chapter 10

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*Yugyeom's POV.*

I slowly open my eyes to feel a pair of arms around my waist. I was confused for a moment when I looked down to see a familiar figure beside me. After a few minutes, it slowly sunk in before I gasped, my cheeks heating up and I immediately pushed him off the bed. He landed on the floor with a loud thud and he winced.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I hissed at him. I was trying so hard not to yell at him because the other members might still be asleep.

"Aish, calm down," he told me groggily, sitting up from the floor as he rubbed his eyes, yawning in the process.

"Calm down? What if the hyungs saw us?" I asked him and groaned, rubbing my face with my hands before I grabbed my phone from my bedside table to check the time. It was only ten o'clock in the morning and we have to shoot a dance practice for Never Ever later at one in the afternoon.

"And so? It not as if it's a big deal, it doesn't even mean anything," he scoffed as he crawled up to his bed and curling into a ball, looking up at me. What he said cause my heart to throb a bit, but I didn't show that I was a bit pained.

"But still, it would be weird for them to see two boys cuddling, who hated each other before and have only been friends for only two weeks," I kept my voice low but I was a bit mad at this moment.

Though I did like our position earlier.

"Oh, for fuck's sake, Mark and Jinyoung sleep together in one bed so why couldn't we?" He whined as he clutched the pillow closer to him.

"They're best friends! We're not!" My voice was a bit louder this time.

"Yah, calm down a bit, it's too early for you to be scolding me like I'm some teenage boy-"

"We're both still teenage boys. We haven't turned twenty yet."

"Shut up! I'll be turning twenty in less than a month!" It was his turn to snap at me, and instead of shutting him down with a comeback, I let out a small giggle at him and his reaction.

"What is funny?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at me but I just continued on laughing. "Yah!" He then threw a pillow at me, making me stop and glare at him. It was his turn to laugh now.

"I hate you," I muttered before I lied back down on my bed and closing my eyes.

"Don't worry, I hate you too," he responded and chuckled before we fell into silence again, and I could hear him shuffling on his bed, thinking maybe he was going to sleep again.

But I felt someone jumping on my bed making me groan. "Bambam! Stop it!" I whined but he was still laughing as he jumped on my bed.

"Aish, what is wrong with you? You're getting weirder," I said, covering my face with my other pillow. He stopped jumping but I can still feel his weight on my bed.

"Gyeomie, what if I said that I liked you?"

This suddenly made Yugyeom frozen. He could feel himself blushing, but he was thankful that he was covering his face so Bambam couldn't see. He gulped and spoke even if his voice was muffled.

"Then I'd judge you because you're gay."

"Yah!" The Thai boy whined and hits my arm making me wince and removing the pillow from my face and sending him a glare.

"Kumpimook Bhuwakul, gay, pretending to be straight in front of loads of people," I teased him even more and he pouted at me. Why is he suddenly like this? He has never been this immature and childish around me.

"I like you," he said, his tone a bit more serious now. I watched him as he sat down on my bed and I sat up from my lying position.

"Bambam, are you okay? Hello? Who are you? Where is Bambam?" I said, waving my hands in front of his face but all he did was glare at me.

"Listen to me at least this once," he says and all I did was nod slowly because I wasn't sure.

"Remember when we had this one on one damce during our trainee days?"

"I remember," I smiled at the thought.

"Yeah, you beat me that time, but that wasn't why I hated you. I'm pretty sure that it was what you were thinking since I didn't shake hands with you after our small dance show down, and I was always bickering at you whenever we're teamed up for the elimination rounds," he explains, and I could tell that he was anxious as he fiddled with his fingers. I just waited for him to talk again, which he was about to, but the door swung open and everything was ruined. Jinyoung showed up and told us we should get ready and was teasing us, but we snapped at him and told him to get out.

"Excuse you, I am hyung," he says and gave us a glare before closing the door.

I wanted our conversation to continue but Bambam already stood up from my bed and grabbed a towel, telling me that he'll shower first so I just nodded. When he was showering, I sighed to myself. Well, I'm sorry for being impatient, I just was too curious why Bambam had hated me and why he'd just confess all of the sudden.

Maybe he'll just continue it later tonight, or the next day, or whatever. He'll tell me next time. Whatever it was, I wanted to know it. I even still had questions why he suddenly called me when he was drunk back in Thailand, shouting confessions through the phone.

But my heart couldn't help but flutter inside my rib cage. My cheeks are heating up and I was smiling to myself. I groaned and lied back down, waiting for him to finish showering.

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So I'm focusing more on Yugbam now as you can see. And there's too much fluff over here. Bambam's too soft for Yugyeom it makes me fmsndmdndm


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