chapter 6

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*Yugyeom's POV.*

We were at a fan meeting for the third time this week, and it's a bit tiring since we're going to different places here in Korea, but nevertheless, we're enjoying to entertain our fans and we're happy to see them happy as well.

I was very happy, actually. The fans are a lot more active today than what I expected and it really lifts some weight off my shoulder. I was having a great time, until Bambam ruins everything.

He was extra annoying today. He kept teasing me and he obviously wanted me to explode in front of all the cameras and staff, though I kept telling myself that I wouldn't give him that satisfaction, but I didn't know that he'd do the worst thing I never expected him to.

I was walking around and he 'accidentally' bumped into me while holding his chocolate drink and it was poured all over my clothing. And I really hate getting my clothes stained.

"I'm so sorry!" He says through the mic and places down his cup on the table and grabs his towel, trying to wipe the mess off. At first, I really thought that it was an accident, until I saw an evil smirk playing on his lips as he pretended to wipe my clothes clean.

And that was the last straw for me.

Without even thinking, I grabbed his shoulders and pushed him harshly that he lost his balance and fell to the floor, his hand letting go of the mic, and it made a loud thud through the speakers.

The fans screamed at what happened and I can feel the hyungs looking at us. They were talking, but I couldn't hear them. My anger was too high that my ears and eyes aren't functioning properly, and all I wanted to do is to destroy that so-precious-face of his. I was sweating and breathing heavily, it felt extremely hot.

"What the hell is your problem?!" The older one asked me, and was acting innocent. He wanted me to blow up, so I'll show him.

"You're asking me that now? Huh? You know what my problem is?" I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him up harshly that I actually made him stand up, me towering over him. "You!" I yelled at his face, my voice coming out rather deep and louder than I expected, and I raised my fist up, about to hit him square in the face, but the hyungs were too quick and had already pulled the two of us away from each other before we could even hurt one another.

* * * * *

"Yugyeom, did you not let it get into your head that GOT7's image would be ruined because of this? Especially yours and Bambam's image? What would the fans think?" PD-nim asked with his arms clasped together in front of him. He talked so calmly yet it was scary. "You do know that your career is on the line, right?"

"I do, sir," I said in a low voice, looking down at my hands instead of him.

I was inside his office, sitting down on a chair in front of him like I was a student getting scolded by the principal. In the middle of the fan meeting, we stopped and we weren't able to say goodbye properly to the fans since the staff were already rushing us out. On the way back to the company building, PD-nim already knew what happened and called Bambam before me, so that means Bambam was here earlier.

"Make sure that this doesn't happen again, if it does, I'm going to cut you and Bambam out of this job. Go," he says and gestures me to leave, and so I did. The rest of the boys were in the dorm so I went there. When I came inside, it was silent and everyone turned their heads to me. I noticed Bambam wasn't there, and guessed that he was inside our room.

The hyungs looked away from me and continued talking to each other like I wasn't there.

"Hyungs, don't ignore me," I said in a sad tone, but they continued on talking, pretending not to hear me. Great. Now both my career and friendship are on the line.

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