Chapter Three

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Calum's POV

I met Christian at a wedding and now I can't help but think of our own. We meet up everytime the band and I travel to America or Canada, but I'm a selfish man, and that's not near enough.

I've never actually told her I loved her. I've meant to many times before, but I'm one for waiting for the perfect moment. I know I shouldn't wait, though, because sometimes it's too late.

It was an eerie morning. I knew something was going to happen, just by the way I felt when I woke up. The strange feeling dissolved when I saw her lying next to me. I smiled, grabbing her hand lightly enough not to wake her. I started humming. I wasn't sure what tune was even escaping my lips, but I continued. I hummed for so long, my vocal chords started to hurt.

She finally arose, a smile forming as soon as she met my gaze. She rubbed the crusties out of her hazel eyes and attempted to tame her naturally curly hair that falls just below her bust. She instantly grabbed her black retro glasses from the side table, reaching over me to get them. I attempted to tickle her as she was above me, but I instead startled her, her small frame falling atop my shirtless body. We laughed, her chest vibrating against mine. I turned her around to me and kissed her soft lips.

When we broke the kiss, I licked my lips, telling her I wanted more. Her head threw back in laughter as I sat up, ready for whatever she was about to do. She straddled me as my body broke out in shivers. I took her waist in my large hands, realizing she was only wearing her underwear and one of my t shirts.

As things were getting right where I wanted them, her phone buzzed. "Fuck," she said, reaching for it. I smiled, her cursing made me infatuated with her more than before.

"Yeah, I'll be there in ten," she said, looking at me with a saddened expression. I whimpered, I didn't want her to leave me.

She hung up, "I'm really sorry babe, I have to go fill in until 5," she said, immediately rushing around to look presentable for work.

Before she walked out the door, she kissed me intently and I said, "Why don't you meet me at China Doll downtown for dinner right after work?"

"That sounds great, baby, I'll meet you there," she said with her signature smile that made every inch of my body go numb. I kissed her one last time before she stepped out the door.

I called Luke over immediately to help me get ready. I would wear a button-down shirt with her favorite tie of mine. I am not one for dressing up, but it made her happy when I did. He hurriedly helped me look perfect, placing my hair in the right position and making me look as good as possible. He called the restaurant and made sure they knew the plan, and that I was bringing the special cookie.

He wished me good luck, hugged me, and sent me on my way.

It was thirty minutes until our reservations and China Doll was just about ten minutes from where I was, so I decided to go in a shop and get a stereotypical bouquet of flowers. I had just picked out the perfect one when my phone rang. It was Luke.

"Yeah mate," I said, ready to describe him the bouquet I decided on.

"Mate, you have to come back," his voice was hoarse, scary. I didn't mind asking what the problem was, but I knew that Luke didn't get upset about just anything.

I sped home, almost breaking the speed limit by half. I tore into the driveway and hurried into my home, where Luke was pacing back and forth.

"I can't believe I'm the one to have to tell you this," he wiped his hands on his jeans before approaching me. His eyes were watery and his stance was weak. I started to panic; all the possibilites flying through my thoughts about my family, the band, his family.

"She's gone," his voice cracked, his knees collapsing as he fell to the floor.

"What? Who are you talking about?"

He looked up from the ground, tears flowing down to the floor, "Angelica, she's gone, Calum."

The shock factor was like nothing I had ever felt, "What the hell do you mean she's gone? What happened to her?" I was frantic, running to find my phone. I wanted to call her, to have her pick up and ask if I was on my way to the China Doll. I wanted her to scold me for still being at home, I wanted her to promise me a big kiss when I got there. I wanted my heart to start beating again, hers too.

He stood up using the stair rail as support, "Mate, she died in a car wreck on her way to the restaurant. Someone hit her car and they tried to revive her, but she was already gone," he choked on the last word 'gone.'

"FUCK," I screamed, ramming my fist into the wall. "Calum, I know this is such devastation, but you can't go on a rampage; she wouldn't want this."

My eyes shot to his, "She wouldn't want this? She wouldn't fucking want this? What about what I want? Because I sure as hell didn't want her to die minutes before proposing to her!" I was fuming, "Luke, I'll never know if she would have said yes, I'll never know if we were capable of having kids, or how many we would end up with! I'll never be able to see her beautiful face again."

He was silent. He didn't have a counter-argument.

I ran upstairs, tearing the damned tie off my neck. The hot tears stung at my eyes as they escaped. I slammed my door, forgetting Luke was even there. I went on a rampage, tearing the blankets off the bed, chucking things off my desk. I found her diary, and ripped out each page, crumbling them and throwing them to different sides of the room.

Then, I took the fucking fortune cookie and broke it open, crumbling the pieces. I ran to the bathroom and got a match. I lit and burned the stupid fortune, "Will you marry me, Angelica?", watching as the small rectangular paper burst into flames and disintegrated, just like my fucking heart.

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