Chapter Twelve

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Ashton's POV

Cailey is literally the cutest human alive. I love every single thing about her. There's never a dull moment if she's involved. When she laughs, her nose crinkles up and she sometimes snorts. I love pinching her sides because she always jumps and squeals. The feeling I get when she laughs is so unreal.

I invited her over to my house on my first day off in three weeks. I had talked to the boys and they were all sleeping; but not me. I needed Cailey since I hadn't seen her in weeks. Michael gets to see Alexza whenever he wants, and Hannah is always sneaking around to see him. Calum has practically given up on seeing Christian, so he doesn't worry that much about it. Luke is practically dating Rylie, and she dropped out of school, so she's at a lot of our gigs. But I never get to see Cailey.

She waltzed into my room carrying an overnight bag. I instantly sat up, a smile forming. She came over to my bed where I was and climbed into my lap to kiss me. I cuddled her, holding her tight like I would never let go. I didn't want to let go.

Her light, practically translucent blue-green eyes, shining like stars, looked up at me. I honestly couldn't help myself and kissed her more. And more. Soon, we were laying down, kissing each other uncontrollably.

I took her hand in mine guiding her out of my room and down the stairs. She kept asking where we were going, but I didn't answer. I took her to the living room and sat her down on the couch, staring at her from the opposite side, "Why are we down here?" she asked, a laugh escaping with her words.

"No reason, I just wanted to make you comfortable."


"Yeah, I just, uh. nevermind," I laughed it off.

She was still a bit skeptical as she stalked to the fridge and found a water bottle. As her back was turned, I gave the signal and the guys snuck in along with Alexza and Rylie. She turned back around to the six of us standing with a cake and noise makers; it was her birthday. She smiled and dropped the water, running over and hugging Alexza and Rylie, all the boys, and giving myself an extra long cuddle and a cheeky kiss. We lit the candles randomly placed inside the cake and she made a wish, winking at me after opening her eyes.

We all sat around the table, stuffing ourselves with the delicious yellow treat. She couldn't stop smiling, which meant I couldn't either. We sat together at the table and every couple of minutes, my hand would travel higher up her thigh. Each time it did, she would blush at me and make some sort of noise, like she was clearing her throat. It made me so anxious, the way she reacted to my touch.

After the cake was eaten and boring stories had been shared about work and school, we somehow ended upstairs unnoticed. I lead her to my room, where the door was closed and our clothes were quickly shed. I grabbed her hand and took her to the bed, where more clothes came off. I took her and set her atop me, fixing her hair out of her eyes, "You've gotta be quiet for me baby, alright?" She nodded as a whimper escaped the small opening in her mouth.


Eight months ago neither of us would have imagined ourselves in this position. I was a drummer for this dorky band, and she was a hopeless romantic. When we first met, I couldn't help myself; I had asked her to dinner before I even got her name. I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I did so, but I'm glad it worked the way it did.

She had told me, once we officially decided we were dating, that she was so happy with her life, "You probably already knew this, but this is my dream. I love you, I always have, and you loving me back makes me feel perfect."


We were finally fully undressed, and her body was beautiful. I had seen a couple other shameless girls' naked bodies before, but she was the definition of perfect. I stared in awe for a moment, blushing once I realized. She blushed as well; her self-confidence had never been all too high. I don't know why.


We snuck back downstairs, her first and myself minutes later. I don't think anyone noticed, but who knows.

Once it was just the boys, Cailey, and I, there wasn't much to do. Michael joined the two of us as we watched a movie while Calum and Luke ventured off into the house. I laid out across the couch, Cailey's head on my stomach and her body between my thighs.

I played with her hair and she rubbed my leg as the movie went on. Every once in a while, I would bend down and kiss her upside down, knowing the Spider-Man kiss was her favorite. In between major scenes throughout the movie, Michael would look over at us, smiling at our affection towards each other, "You guys are going to get married," he even mentioned. She blushed and squeezed my hand.

When the movie was over, Mikey went up to his room for the night and left myself and Cailey alone for the second time that night. She turned over so our stomachs were touching and kissed me hard. When she broke the kiss, she smiled at me, our eyes locked, and she took her finger to the top of my nose and touched it lightly, "Boop," she said, before laughing and rolling off of me.

We had been laying across from each other in silence for a while, when Cailey came and sat in the floor in front of me, "How do I know what we have is real, Ashton? How do you know?"

It took me aback for a second, her question. It was a very good question, "It's been real this whole time, Cailey. I wouldn't tell you I love you if I didn't mean it. I'm not using you, thinking you're easy because you were a fan before. You've become my world Cailey."

She smiled and nodded, getting up and finding her way to my room where she fell asleep shortly after on my bed. I kissed her forehead lightly before climbing in next to her and falling unconscious. It was the soundest moment I had in a long while.

Michael's POV

I hadn't talked to Hannah in four days, and I missed her. I asked her to come over while the boys were out, but she invited me to her house instead. I showed up and we sat and caught each other up on the past few days. I told her about Cailey's party, and how I wish she could have been there. I still hadn't mentioned Alexza's appearance at the party; I didn't want to hurt her.

I told her about how dumb time zones were, and how they fucked with my schedule back home. She sat in silence for a second before saying, "I feel like I'm the leading factor in your severe jetlag. You always make sure to come see me right when you come back home, and you stay up talking to me when you should be getting back on schedule."

I was dismayed by her statement; did she not know what love means? "Baby, you could never make anything worse for me. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me, beautiful. I love you too much. I mean that, when I say too much." She played with a misplaced thread on her duvet as I spoke to her, her cheeks turning a pale pink shade.

"I know, Michael. I love you more than I love myself; so much more."

Every last thing about her is perfect. I couldn't imagine life without her. How did I live without her? She saved my life, and I'm eternally grateful for that. She's the love of my life.

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