Chapter Twenty-Two

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Ashton's POV

After the incident with Rebecca, I looked at the clock, "Shit," I said, rushing around the room to get dressed. Cailey. I had ten minutes before I was within visiting hours, and the hospital was a fifteen minute drive, "Shit, shit, shit," I murmured to myself.

I grabbed my keys and filed out of the house to my car. I wasted no time, immediately backing out of the drive and speeding to the hospital.

When I got there, I was five minutes late, and I knew that wouldn't sit well with Cailey; if she was conscious.

I showed the attendant my visiting pass and knocked lightly as I opened the door to her room. She was sitting up in the chair across from her bed, the nurse checking her vitals.

"Hey sunshine," I cooed, kissing her forehead and smiling at the nurse, "How's she doing?" I asked.

"Her blood pressure is a little high; she's going to have to take it slow for the night. Take care of her, Mr. Irwin."

She had been Cailey's nurse days before and had learned my name.

Once the nurse had gone, pulling the door behind her, Cailey stared blankly at the floor. It was silent for a few moments, before I stood up and grabbed a small blanket, laying across her lap.

"Why were you late?" She asked, her eyes still fixed on the pastel tiles.

I couldn't bring myself to tell her, nor make up a lie.

"Are you okay, Ashton?" She asked, this time her eyes finding mine.

"I'm fine, beautiful. Are you okay?"

"Mhm," she hummed, although I knew she was lying. I grabbed her cool hand, grazing it with my lips.

"You think I'm ignorant, don't you?" She whispered.


"I know you were with her."

How? "What are you talking about, Cailey?"

"That girl. From the interview," she simply stated, "Can you help me to the bed, please?"

I sighed, wondering how the hell she figured it out, and stood in front of her. I grabbed her hand, placing it at the back of my neck. Carefully, I grabbed her tiny waist and lifted her out of the plastic chair, slowly helping her hop on her good leg to the bed.

She grunted as she lowered to the fabric, her eyebrows creased and her eyes closed, "Sorry, babe. Let me adjust you." I grabbed her waist again as I roughly maneuvered her to sit up straighter.

I lowered myself to be centimetres

from her face, as we looked into each other's eyes, "I love you. Don't forget that," I said, pulling her delicately in for a kiss.

Why did I ever think that hooking up with Rebecca was a good idea? I love Cailey, I honestly do. Sex isn't everything; I could have waited.

She looked away, "I'm tired, Ash. You should go." She wasn't having my suck up apologies.

I sighed, rolling my eyes and running my tongue over my teeth subconsciously, "We didn't do anything, Cailey."

She said nothing.

"I'm telling you right now, Rebecca and I did nothing. She's nothing."

As I realized she obviously wasn't going to respond, I grabbed my coat and keys. I kissed her forehead lightly, before turning off her light and exiting her room. I'm such a fuck up.

Michael's POV

"And it seems as if we're pregnant!" I announced. It wasn't in my plan, becoming the father of Alexza's first child; and it sure as hell wasn't in my agenda to announce it on Sunrise the day after our discovery.

She smiled and kissed my cheek as the other boys stood around confused. We hadn't even told them yet, so I felt the estranged emotions floating around as the crowd buzzed with gasps and "aw"s.

I took my hand up to her stomach and rubbed lightly, staring into her caramel eyes.

I felt the boys staring at us, their excitement starting to die down as they calmed themselves.

They all stated their happiness for us, how they couldn't wait to meet our child, but there was one thing I couldn't stop thinking of throughout all the chaos- Hannah.

I had just won her back; she would never trust me again. I knew for a fact that she was watching Sunrise; and I knew that my continuously vibrating phone was her. I knew I had lost her again.

Although I loved Hannah until the ends of the Earth, I wasn't bothered to worry. She needed to trust me, and the fact that she didn't soured the bond we had created. I was tired of explaining myself. I was just, tired.

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