Flee In The Night

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Pain. All I could feel was excruciating pain spread thru every inch of my bruised and beaten body. I had been whipped on my back with a leather strap after I was taken into a disgusting, smelly, black room and, saying the words tears at my heart, raped.

I thought back on what had happened just earlier. It was gruesome, horrifying, and every other word like those two. Bruce, my captor and Alpha to the Blue Moonlight Pack, was waiting for me on the bed when Prissy, I gave the nickname due to his feminine ways, brought me in to him. Prissy was his beta, though I don't know why old Brucey would want him as a beta, he was more a girl than I was. Especially now that he had stolen my innocence away from me.

Prissy thru me in the room and slammed the metal door, locking it shut. I gagged at first, because the room strongly smelled of feces and urine. There was a cot type bed with a mattress on it. It was covered in dirt and I didn't want to go near the God forsaken thing. There's no telling what kind of disease you could get from it.

'My precious captive Azra, you are about to give your payment for me allowing you to see another day' Bruce said with a sickening grin on his face.

'Oh really? And what is that Brucey? Doggie want a scratch behind the ear?' I threw back at him sarcastically, trying to keep him from sensing my fear.

He snarled at me, apparently not liking my attitude or not liking my comment, or both. 'You shut up and lay down. I'll make you make noise when I want you to.'

'Like Hell you will.' I told him bringing my balled up fists close to my face, ready for a fight. They had injected me with a medicine that prevented me from changing into my wolf form, but I knew how to fight just as well in human form. I was a dang good fighter in my pack, The Golden Sky Pack. Yes, I'm female. Yes, I'm only twenty, but I'm pretty bad-a, just saying.

I've been training with our Alpha's son, Jackson, since I was young. We've been best friends since we were pups and everyone in the pack claimed up and down that we were going to be mates. They said it so much I started to believe it, but I wasn't going to enter a relationship until we knew for certain. I wanted to save everything I had to share it with my mate and on Jackson's twenty-first birthday last year we found out that, to everyone's dismay, I wasn't his mate.

'Snap out of your thoughts little pup. I want you only thinking about the pleasure I'm going to be giving you.' Bruce spoke to me with that sickening grin again.

'Brucey, how many times must I tell you? This isn't going to happen.' I replied with a twisted grin of my own. It must've worked too, because he lunged at me. I sensed his move and moved right before his hit. He turned wolf, knowing I couldn't, and lunged again. I dodged it perfectly and he snarled at me with slobber dripping from his haunches.

'Getting tired yet Old Man?' I ragged him hoping he'd get pissed and mess up, so maybe I'd have a chance to get out of here . He went to lunge, so I thought, but in reality he skidded forward and bit my ankle, jerking me to the ground. I was strong in human form, but I knew once he was on top of me there was no way I was going to get him off.

I spoke to him, ''Okay Bruce, just tell me what you want.' No smirk, no sarcastic attitude and with that he changed back into human form. His naked body on top of me, making me feel nauseous. He quickly bound my hands together and my feet and scooped me up, then tossed me onto the filthy bed.

My clothes were ripped from my body and tape was placed over my mouth. 'Don't worry my sweet Azra, I'll still hear your moans.' Bruce whispered those sickening words into my ear.

I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry, but I was not going to give him the pleasure of knowing he was breaking my heart, so I closed my eyes as he began placing wet kisses on my body and thought of all my happy memories as he entered me and stole everything I was saving for my mate.

Once he finished he tossed me my tattered clothes and unbound my hands and feet.

'That was fun, wasn't it sweetheart. Now get dressed.' and with those words he walked out, leaving me in a

filthy room to repeat the memory in my head over and over.

Flee In The Night (Complete) Wattys 2012Where stories live. Discover now