Flee In The Night 11

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As I laid beside my mate cuddling against his strong chest I heard Jackson's voice in my head.


'Im here Jackson.' I told him hoping he'd say they were close since it was around lunchtime.

'Your medicine for your scent must have completely worn off, because I can smell you.' A grin swept over my face.

'Logan honey, he can smell my scent. They'll be here in just a few minutes, get John and his family to come over.'

Logan quickly kissed me and walked out of the cave to retrieve our neighbors.

'We're right here at you, so we're changing human and then we'll see you!' Jackson told me with excitement in his voice.

'Azra,' Logan called out 'their out here baby.'

I couldn't contain my excitement, I took off running out of the cave and came face to face with at least twenty-five familiar faces.

Jackson's POV:

I couldn't wait to see my best friend. When she was captured it tore me in two; it tore the pack in two.

Azra is the easiest person to get along with that you could ever meet. She's friendly to everyone, unless you give her a reason not to be. She's loving and kind; and she's been the true definition of a best friend since we were pups.

After we changed into our human form and walked closer to the cave I saw two men, a woman, and a baby outside, but no Azra. Then I heard the younger of the two men yell out

'Azra, their here!'

'He must be her mate.' I told David, her father.

David smiled, 'Must be.'

I looked back towards the cave to see her break out running towards us. 'Daddy!' She cried out jumping in David's arms, tears of happiness falling freely from her eyes.

After their embrace she hugged me, I wrapped my arms tightly around her, but then backed off, because I didn't want her mate to get the wrong impression.

She said quick 'hellos' to everyone, then turned to David and I. 'Dad, Jack, pack members, I have someone to introduce to you all. She walked over to the younger of the two men, as I suspected, and took his hand.

Love filled her eyes, 'This is Logan, my mate. He saved me from Bruce.'

Logan looked down at Azra and I could see clearly just how much she meant to him. I wanted what she now had, but it doesn't seem like my mates ever going to find me.

Logan's POV:

'This is Logan, my mate. He saved me from Bruce.' Azra spoke to her pack members. I looked down at Azra then stepped forward towards her father with my hand out.

'Its nice to meet you sir' I said respectfully.

'Call me David' he said grinning. 'I can't thank you enough for keeping my little girl safe.'

'I'll protect her with my life.' I said in all seriousness, because it was the truth. I'd die to keep my mate safe.

'I know you will.'

'Im Jackson.' Azra's best friend she had told me about stepped forward to shake my hand.

'Its nice to meet you' I said. 'Ive heard an awful lot about you.'

'Hopefully not all bad stuff' he said laughing glancing from me to Azra.

'Of course it was all bad Jack!' she said laughing back at him.

'Shouldve known!'

Jackson looked at me, his Dave becoming serious. 'We need to decide exactly what we're going to do for punishment to Bruce for capturing Azra.'

I sighed knowing that he didn't know Bruce had raped her. 'David, Jackson, do you two mind if I speak with you both privately?'

They both agreed and as we walked towards the cave I stopped in front of John.

'This is my friend John, his mate Emma, and their pup Grayson. John helped rescue Azra, then they followed a little after us.' I told both men.

They greeted each other, then Jackson spoke up, 'Thank you John for your help. You are all more than welcome to join our pack. You as well Logan. It would be an honor.'

'We would love to' Emma said smiling. I knew she hated being in our pack, but no one realized that if I kill Bruce, I'll be Alpha and I won't be able to join my mates pack.

The four of us walked into the cave. I was searching my mind on how to tell them just exactly what had happened.

'So, Logan. Is there something you need to tell us?' David asked with concern in his voice.

'Sir, I'm not sure how to tell you this, so I'm just going to be straight forward about it.'

David nodded.

'Bruce raped Azra, twice.' I saw the rage flare in each man's eyes and hearing those words come out of my mouth caused my wolf to go crazy. My body was shaking with rage and at the moment in time, the only thing I could think was

'Kill Bruce now.'

Flee In The Night (Complete) Wattys 2012Where stories live. Discover now