Flee In The Night 9

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Logan instantly pushed me behind him and let out a snarl. I felt him shaking, knowing that he was fighting the urge to change.

'Logan,' a familiar voice spoke as the man stepped forward. Removing his hat and revealing his face.

'Silent man,' I said confused. 'Why are you here?'

Logan was still tense, but he was a lot better than when we first heard John enter the cave.

'I couldn't stay under his ruling anymore. I had a hunch of where to look for you two, so we came.'

'We?' I asked.

A woman stepped out from behind John, I guess that's better than Silent Man. She was beautiful. Tall, thin, with long, flowing blonde hair. Her eyes were a sea foam green. She was holding a small baby. She couldn't have been but a few months old.

'Azra, this is my mate, Emma and my daughter, Grayson.'

Emma smiled as I walked up to her.

'Its nice to meet you.' I looked down to see little Grayson open her dark brown eyes. She was stunning with her black hair and chocolate eyes. She instantly had me wrapped around her tiny finger.

'Do you wanna hold her?' Emma lifted Grayson towards me.

'Yes, of course!' I loved babies, or 'pups' as we call them, which reminded me, I'd be hitting heat in two days.

Heat for us is basically where three days after we mate we go a little sex crazy. Any were can smell it on us, which makes the situation even more embarrassing. If our mate isn't there every time it hits, it lasts for two days, we have such strong urges were in terrible pain. We break out in sweats, hurt, and basically can't function until our mate relieves us. It's also a very easy time for our mate to get us pregnant with their pup.

Grayson coo'd at me as I held her in my arms. 'Shes beautiful. I'm so glad you all are here.'

John spoke up, 'Thank you Azra.'

Logan chimed in then, 'John, there's a connecting cave directly to the right of this one. It should suffice for the three of y'all until tomorrow.'

John's deep voice spoke again, 'What's tomorrow?'

'My pack members will be here shortly after lunch.' I informed him still excited to see them. We were all very close and I miss everyone.

'I'm not exactly sure what's going to happen when they get here,' Logan said looking between John and I. 'I wanna end Bruce for all he's done to us and especially what he did to my mate. I'm sure they will feel the same way.'

I gasped not even thinking that there would still be a battle, lives would still be lost. I felt nauseous as I thought of my mate, my best friend, my dad, and all our pack members risking their lives to end the man who captured me. Then, I thought about John, with his mate and small child. This was just too much for me. I handed Grayson back to Emma and sat on the ground as I let my tears flow down my face.

Instantly Logan was by my side wrapping me securely in his arms. 'Baby, what's wrong?'

'The fight, it's not necessary. No one needs to die Logan.' I choked out my words.

'Azra, this is the way it has to be. We have to end Bruce.' he told me sternly. When he spoke I could hear an authority in his voice, after all, he did have Alpha blood running in his veins.

Then it hit me, if Logan killed Bruce he would be the rightful Alpha, making me Alpha Female, or, Luna.

All this information was making my head spin and before I could hear anymore, I passed out in Logan's strong arms.

Flee In The Night (Complete) Wattys 2012Where stories live. Discover now