Flee In The Night 19

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Bruce's POV:

Dylan gathered all the fighters we had, both male and female, and we headed to meet our enemies head on.

I know we're out numbered, but if we can sneak up on them when they least expect it, we may be able to win.

Surprise dear brother!

We were a few miles away when I stopped everyone. This was when I needed to come up with words to make them fight with passion.

I spoke to them all at once thru the mind link. 'Youre not just fighting for me, you're fighting for yourselves and your families. These wolves want to take everything from you, like they took our Luna! Defend her!'

Everyone cheered thru the mind link, but u noticed those same wolves from earlier pulling back as everyone else was ready for the fight.

I ignored them and took off.

Azra's POV:

I was sleeping so good in my mates arms when I heard foot steps. I jolted straight up, but didn't see anyone, but sleeping pack members.

I had this strange feeling in my stomach like I knew something wasn't right; something was about to happen.

I gently nudged Logan and he groggily opened his eyes

'Are you ok? What's going on?' He asked with a worried expression on his handsome face.

'I heard foot steps and I have this bad feeling. I'm going to mind link Jackson.'

He pulled me closer and nodded his head.

'Jack? Wake up!'

I waited a few moments, nothing.

'Jack!' I yelled. 'Wake up or I'm coming to find your furry butt.'

'W, w, what do you want?' He asked half asleep.

'Dont you take that tone with me. Where are you? Something's going on.'

'Ill be right there. I know where you are, don't move.'

I started looking around for Jackson and I finally caught a glimpse of him. He was walking slowly towards me, being careful not to wake anyone up. They all needed their few hours of rest before the mornings upcoming events.

Jackson was almost to Logan and I when I heard it. Obviously the guys did too, because they both started snarling.

I could hear pass hitting the ground, a lot of them.

We changed quickly and started waking everyone one. We weren't expected to be attacked, but expected or not, it was happening.

I looked up, and there in the front of the wolves headed our way, was Bruce and he was more pissed off than I'd ever seen him. He looked like the devil himself and just guess who he was staring at.

Flee In The Night (Complete) Wattys 2012Where stories live. Discover now