Flee In The Night 23

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Logan's POV:

I froze stiff when reality hit me, set off by Jackson's words.

'Alpha.' I said to myself.

My little mate took my hand in hers, 'You're going to be great, I promise.'

Her words were simple, yet completely reassuring. She was going to be a wonderful Luna.

Azra's POV:

I could sense the anxiety that was hitting Logan after Jack had reminded him of the position he now held.

Order was rightfully being restored and Logan deserved it. He was born to lead that pack and he was finally getting his chance.

Pride was written all over my face as I took him in with my eyes. I would stand by him come Hell or high water and I knew he'd do the same for me.

'Lets go everyone. We have about a four hour run til we get there. Alpha Logan' Jack looked at him with a grin, 'would you like to the lead the way?'

Logan answered by turning into his wolf; he was truly beautiful in either form.

Everyone mimicked him and followed his lead.

Logan stopped us right before we entered pack territory and changed into his human form; we all did the same.

He took my hand and we all began crossing over onto the property; our property.

I was finally able to see the terrible shape Bruce had left this pack in. The houses were run down, there was nothing but dry dirt, and the people who were starting to come up to us looked horrible. Their clothes were tattered and dirty and I found myself wondering why they never left the pack or challenged Bruce.

Logan walked us to the largest house, which I assumed to be the pack house. He stopped in front of it and turned to see that everyone had made their way to their new Alpha.

Logan cleared his throat, 'My father was Alpha of this pack for many years before Bruce killed him and took over.'

He gripped my hand and took a deep breath before continuing. 'Im so sorry that I didn't challenge Bruce and end him before now. We should've never had to live under his rule and I understand if you feel as though I have failed you.'

I rubbed him arm urging him to continue. 'Bruce fell today and I am your new Alpha. Beside me stands your Luna, Azra.'

Gasps filled the air from the pack members and the wolves who'd lost their mates were crying.

I spoke up, 'We would like to give our deepest apologies to those who've lost a loved one today.'

People nodded their heads to us.

Logan spoke up again, 'If you will allow it, we'd like to stake our claim and pledge our allegiance to you and this pack and bring it back where we should be.'

'If you're willing to give me that chance please stay, if not, I'm giving you the chance to walk away and join a new pack.'

No one moved and after a few moments everyone busted into cheers.

I looked at my mate as a huge smile appeared. We were accepted by the pack and now we would give these people what they needed and care for them, instead of putting them thru Hell like Bruce had.

Flee In The Night (Complete) Wattys 2012Where stories live. Discover now