Flee In The Night 3

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When I came to I was laying on the cold concrete floor and my head was pounding. I felt like i had been hit with a sledge hammer. I winced in pain as I slowly sat up. I slid the shackle on my right hand up my arm and reached to my back to feel how my injuries were healing. They were increasingly smaller and had scabs covering them. There was little pain coming from them. 'Thank God I'm a wolf' I mumbled to myself.

I could see the sun shining in a small window on the left side of the building I was in. It appeared to be around lunch time and, as if on cue, my stomach began to grumble.

I tried to concentrate on my pack mind link, but there was nothing but silence, so I knew the medicine was still in my system.

There was nothing to do, but sit in this ragged, cold building with my thoughts. I tried to think of happy moments in my life to keep my spirits up. So many good times with my pack members flooded my mind, especially times I spent with Jack. He really was the best friend a girl could ask for and I just kept telling myself he'd be here soon. 'Three more days, Azra, just three more' I thought in my mind.

Then I began to think about just exactly what would happen when Jackson and my pack members did arrive. I knew there would be no discussions or meetings, it'd just be a full on battle. I knew our pack was strong and full, but I wasn't sure about The Blue Moonlight Pack. We never really heard much about Bruce or his pack. We knew they existed, but there had been no contact and we had no reason to view them as a threat.

The door of the building slung open and brought me out of my thoughts. In came a man dressed in all black. He was tall, around six one, six two and he had dark brown hair. He had a plate in his hand, which I assumed was my lunch and, once again, my stomach started to growl.

The dark haired man looked me in the eyes with what seemed to be regret, but it quickly disappeared. He sat the plate down on the floor and slid it me, a piece of bread was all it had on it. I was so hungry I wanted to beg for more, but I wasn't letting anyone see I was in pain. I just looked at the man in front of me. He opened his mouth, as if to speak, but shut it closed quickly and turned, walking out the door.

I picked up the bread and tore it into smaller pieces, so it'd seem like I had more than I actually did. After I finished I thru the plate against the wall watching it break into pieces.

I had to think of a plan to get out of here. If I could escape when the medicine wore off, I could run and notify the pack to meet me. I'd have to wait another day til I was completely healed from my injuries and all my strength had returned. I just needed to figure out how to get these shackles off. Maybe, if I had all my strength, and tugged hard enough I could break them.

I sat there til the sun began to go down thinking of different ways to escape and hoping that my medicine would wear off soon, so that I could contact Jack.

By the time the window was completely dark the door opened again and in walked Old Man Bruce himself.

'Well, well Sweetheart. How are you holding up?' he asked in his sickeningly sweet voice.

I just stared at him blankly like he never spoke a word.

'Azra, it would be wide for you to behave. Don't you recall what happened last time?'

'Which time Dog? When you raped me or had the guard whip me?' I asked with complete hatred in my voice.

'Xavier! Percy!' Bruce yelled out. Two rather large, evil looking men walked in with twisted smiles on there faces. 'Please escort Azra to the same quarters we were in the day before.' and with one last smile Bruce walked off.

I tried to hit and kick as the guards unchained me and picked me from the ground, but there was no use. I stopped struggling and thought maybe I could fight Bruce.

I was blind folded before leaving the building and about five minutes later I was thrown into the awful smelling room again. The blind fold was removed and I saw the blood stain on the bed and immediately knew who's blood it was. My blood.

The guards grab my hands and tied them, then moved on to tie my ankles. Tape was once again placed over my mouth and I was tossed on the bed like a rag doll.

Bruce walked in shortly after the guards left the room. He stripped down in front of me and I wanted to gag. It was like seeing your father naked, totally awkward. He walked to a table and picked up a syringe then came to sit beside me. I tried to roll away and off the bed, but he grabbed me and held me down, while injecting me in the arm with the needle. My entire body froze and as much as I tried to force myself to move, I remained still.

'This' Bruce said while holding the syringe 'will keep you from moving around allowing me to do to you as I please.'

I wanted to scream out. I wanted to fight him, but I couldn't even more my toe, much less put up a fight.

Bruce smiled at me and began pulling my tattered pants down to my ankles. He followed with doing the same to my underwear. He began to have his way with me as I tried my best to picture happy memories, once again, in my head.

'Azra. Azra, can you hear me?' I heard Jack say in my head.

'What perfect timing.' I thought before remembering he'd hear it.

'What do you mean? Are you ok? What's he doing to you?' I could hear the worry in his voice.

'Im okay' I lied.

'We're a little less than three days away. We're trying our best to get to you. Y

'Just hurry Jackson. I wanna be home. I'm going to sleep some now' I lied once again. 'Tell Daddy I love him and I'll see you all soon.' With that being said I blocked him out.

Bruce was finally finished with me. He laid down beside me, moved my hair behind my ear, and whispered 'In three days my sweet, I'll mark you and mate you as my own.'

A chill went thru my body. He couldn't be serious. I didn't want anyone's mark, but my mates. Granted I hadn't found him yet.

Bruce laughed his evil laugh and walked out of the room slamming the door behind him and finally I allowed myself to cry the tears id been holding back these past few days.

Flee In The Night (Complete) Wattys 2012Where stories live. Discover now