Flee In The Night 16

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Azra's POV:

When my father told Logan that he could call him Dad, my heart melted. Logan had went all of these years without a real father and was forced to call the man who killed his parents, his dad.

My mate had been thru so much, yet here he is, standing beside me, looking so strong and handsome with his beaming smile on his face. Fate blessed me with an amazing person and I will be forever grateful for him.

'Men, it's getting late, so before we all eat let's go talk about what exactly is going on with Bruce and what we're going to do about it.' Alpha spoke looking to Jackson, Dad, John, and Logan.

Logan kissed my forehead and followed the men to talk to Alpha.

Jackson's POV:

We all walked into my dad's tent and his face was more serious then I had seen in quite a while.

I knew this was really getting to him; after all Bruce was his brother, regardless if they haven't spoken to each other in years.

Bruce and my father were the only pups that belonged to their parents. My father was the first born, so naturally, the Alpha title was passed to him when his parents died.

The theory people came up with about Bruce is that he was power hungry, that's why he left, but to why he chose to kidnap Azra, I have no idea.

'Logan,' my father spoke. 'Around how many fighters will Bruce have.'

'Twenty-five, maybe. Not many in the pack respect Bruce, they've just been scared to leave. He may force them to show up for the fight, but I have a feeling that some will turn on him.'

Father nodded, 'Thats good.' He sighed, then spoke again. 'This fight must end Bruce.' His body shook a little with the emotion of it all.

Everyone was quiet until he spoke again. 'We will send a few wolves ahead of us, to hide out and watch. We will storm them all at one time.'

We nodded again.

'I don't want women and children harmed. If any men decide to turn on Bruce, they are to be unharmed as well.'

'What about the ones who fight? Do we have them submit to us and take them as prisoner?' I asked.

My fathers eyes bore into me, as if looking thru my soul. He shook his head as he answered me. 'No, kill them and leave Bruce to me.'

'Dad, Azra requested that she kill Bruce.' I told him knowing she would be furious if I didn't inform him.

My dad stood silent. Moments passed before he dismissed us saying we'd speak again in the morning before we headed out. I was ordered to send four out of our forty wolves to go on ahead.

'Zack, Paul, Lucas, and Zeke!' I yelled out as the four men ran to stand before me. 'I need you four to run ahead. Stay off their territory, but get as close as you can without being caught. If you leave now, you'll make it in two days; we'll be meeting you soon. We leave in the morning.'

They nodded their heads and turned to the woods; changing wolf.

'Be careful!' I yelled out as I watched their figures retreat in the woods.

'and so it begins.' I said aloud to myself.

Flee In The Night (Complete) Wattys 2012Where stories live. Discover now