Capricorn(f) x Virgo(m)

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Reasons why I love you requested by imagenativeusername I'm doing both of your requests because I'm a nice person ^_~
The first day I ment virgo was in the libray. Now I say met because he didn't actually talk to me. I don't want to sound like a stalker so I just say the first day I met virgo. "Awww virgo is so cute~♡" "oh I wanna date him"! "Such a shame he's married to his work". "I know"! I heard some of the girls squeal in the libray. I covered my lower face with my novel and watched virgo look around the bookshelf. I sighed and closed my novel as it became a less of a priority. I started working on my homework tucking a lock of brown hair behind my ear. "Hey excuse me"? I looked up and saw him. Blonde hair and green eyes. "Can I take this seat"? "Yes of course". Omg he's sitting across from me! Virgo my crush is sitting across from me! I screamed in my mind. I finished my homework and put it in my bag and I looked over and saw Virgo reading. I grabbed my novel and left the book bag in my chair and went to the bookshelves to find a more interesting novel. Most of the good ones were checked out. I sighed and grabbed my book bag and went to go check out the book. The librarian started to scan my book. "Do you like the book"? She asked her eyes sparkling. I smiled. "I just started it so I guess it's okay. I might get into it once I get farther into it. I heard it's a pretty good book". The librarian handed me my book and I stuffed it in my book bag and walked out of the libray. I was walking home when one of the girls from me class walked up to me. "Hello Capricorn"! Libra said twirling her blond wavy hair. "Hi libra". I said trying to ignore her. "Um so do you know this cute boy named virgo"? My eyes widened and my attention turned to her. No no no no no no no! I can't have any rivals! Libra seemed to notice my facial expression because she then said, "do you actually think you have a chance with virgo? You're pretty but plain. Plus you two are married to your work. You'd get bored of each other. Maybe you should just back off". I stood there stunned. I was in my room moping around on my bed with my face buried in my knees. My mom knocked on my door. "Capricorn, honey? You haven't come out of your room! You need to eat". "Go away! Im on a diet"! I yelled and snuggled under the covers. "Honey"? I hopped off my bed and opened the door. "MOM I SAID-" I gasped. Virgo? W-what are you doing here"? "Um you dropped something in the libray so I wanted to return it to you". I blushed. "Oh thank you". I took the Keychain from him. "It's a cute Keychain". He said. I blushed. "Thanks my friend gave to me for my birthday". Virgo smiled. "You must have great friends then". I blushed the next day I was again in the libray reading. I finished the book and gave it to the librarian. "Did you like it"? "Yes. The sex scene wasn't too graphic and the book overall had a nice plot and a great imagentive visual". The librarian smiled. I searched the shelf and found the book I wanted. I reached for it but a hand grabbed it at the same time. I turned around and blushed. "Oh do you want this book"? I nodded blushing. He gave it to me. "T-thank you". He leaned down and kissed my cheek. "Your welcome". He smiled and walked away.
that's the end. Hope you like it!

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