virgo(f) x Taurus(m)

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Deny me more tusndere requested by @TuxedoRam
I wasn't really sure if I could make him blush but I was determined to see thourgh his tusndere facade. I was living with Taurus for the time being while my mom was working day and night to buy us a house so we could move out. I didn't hate Taurus and I'm pretty sure he didn't hate me either he just always acted cold. I guess I could understand. Being an only child who is a boy is going to have a hard time hiding his porn stash from his childhood best friend. As a child Taurus and I did not get along well at all so when our parents tride to get us to play we fought. He wanted to Pokemon I wanted to play princess. Finally we learned to become friends. We couldn't avoid each other because of our parents. In middle school my dad died from a heart attack. It was hard for me. My dad loved me and being with my dad made me happy. When my mom sent me to bed without dinner he would bring me something to eat. He made my bad day brighter and always gave me powerful quotes. My dad loved my mom too. They were a romantic couple. Taurus came to my father's funeral and he helped thourgh hard times. In highschool Taurus started to act cold. When my mom announced that we would be living with him I was finally determined to see thourgh his tusndere facade. "HEY VIRGO HURRY UP IN THERE. I GOTTA PEE! I CAN'T HOLD IT!" Taurus said banging on the door. "Ugh! Taurus I'm doing my make up"! I yelled. He banged on the door harder. I sighed and unlocked the door and opened it. He ran to the toilet. I screamed and covered my eyes. He sighed. "I feel better". "You're disgusting"! I said. He laughed and walked out of the bathroom. I glared. I walked to school next to Taurus. He was acting like his cold self again. I walked ahead of him and saw one of my close guy friends leo. I hugged him. We started talking until I felt a tug on my wrist. Taurus was dragging me away from leo. I was confused. During lunch I was talking to Scorpio. She was telling me about Pisces and how she was going to ask him out. I saw Taurus talking to one of his friends. He seemed really into the conversation until I heard Taurus yell out something that was completely sexual. I grabbed Scorpio and left the roof. After school Taurus met me at the school gate and we started walking home. I looked over at Taurus and noticed he was acting kinda fidgety. He was blushing. "Um virgo..."? "Hmm"? "Did you hear what I said up there"? I looked up at the roof of the school before completely leaving the campus. "Yeah". "I'M SORRY! IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK. I WAS-" I laughed. "Why are you laughing"? I waved him off. Later that night I noticed Taurus was in the shower. I sighed and waited for him to exit so I could use the restroom. Suddenly the power went out. "I walked down stairs and turned my phone flashlight on. My mom was lighting candles. "Hey mom did you forget to pay the power bill"? "Sorry honey". I sighed. I went back upstairs and saw Taurus with soap in his hair. I bursted out laughing. "Laughing again! Stop"! I couldn't he looked completely ridiculous. He grabbed me by the cheeks. "You're really cute when you smile after all". I blushed. He gasped and pushed me back. I smirked. "Say that again". "No"! Taurus snapped. "Come on say it". "Ugh no!" "Awww but why"? I asked trying to act cute. "Well you act as if I'm I child to you"! Taurus said. "But I can't help it you're just so cute"! I said and squished his cheeks. "I'M NOT"! "You are"! "God damit women I'm not"! "Aww you're so cute when you deny it". Taurus growled. I giggled. "You're so Cute that's why I love you". "Fuck you". "I love you too~"! "SHUT UP"! "Awww why can't you say you love me"? I asked pouting. "Because I...ugh...nothing". I started to fake cry. "You dont love me? Oh well I understand. I won't bug you". I started walking away. "Fuck"! He wishpered. "I FUCKING LOVE YOU! OKAY!" he yelled. "I thought you didn't". "I was just embarrassed to say it". He admited. "So you do love me"? "Yes, um I love every bit of you so please don't leave". "Pffft! Who said I was going to leave?" "Wha- yo- uh- wha-! You tricked me"! I laughed. "You fall for it everytime"! "You-" I kissed him. He blushed. "Awww what's with that face"? "Huh"? He covered his cheeks. "Cat got your tounge"? "Fuck you! I hate you"! "Deny me more tusndere boy. You'll just get more smooches from me"!
The end! I hope you like it! Sorry it took so long.

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