Gemini(m) x Cancer(f)

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I fell for you requested by SuperLilinator
I walking side by side with my childhood friend. She was quite. That's one flaw I didn't like about her. She was always the cute one getting hit on by guys. We arrived at the entrance. Cancer looked at me. "What's up"? "Gemini I don't know what everyone is going to think of me." I looked at her confused. "What are you talking about"? Cancer looked down and entered the school. We hear a gasp. "CANCER!~♡" Cancer looked up. We saw Pisces running up to her engulfing Cancer into a tight embrace. "I was so worried. Don't ever scare me like that again"! Pisces was crying. Cancer laughed a little and hugged Pisces back. Now you're probably wondering what happened. Well it's a long story but I'm pretty sure I can fit it in. Cancer and I went to a banquet. I was her ride since her parents were busy. Her banquet was for her orchestra class. She played the viola. I wasn't in orchestra so she invited me. She didn't have many friends except for Pisces but Pisces was in band and she had to go to that banquet. The first half of the night were speeches and awards. Since Cancer was one of the officers she had to give a speech. She was blushing. She was so shy. It was almost cute. She stuttered her speech. "I-I wa-want to s-say t-that I had a great year". Cancer was never good about talking infront of crowds. After the speech she sat down next to me a put her head down. I rubbed her back. "You okay"? I asked. "No that was so embarrassing"! All the officers were really supportive of Cancer but she didn't see it that way. For the rest of the night we just danced. I had a crush on Cancer but eventually over time I learned that she's a girl I couldn't have. The dancing was killing her feet so we decided to take a walk. After the banquet ended we called an uber to pick us up at chick-fil-a because we decided to eat out with a couple of friends. We began to walk there but Cancer got hit by a drunk driver. It was a hit and run. She was losing blood fast. Her friends screamed. One of them called 911. I went to the hospital with Cancer. I grabbed her lifeless hand. I thought for sure I lost her. About a year and half later she started to get better. Everyday I would a see how she was doing. 3 weeks later she was released from the hospital. She went to school. Everyone was surprised that she even managed to surrivive. Pisces continued to hug her. "Pisces please let go." She said gasping for air. I laughed. Pisces let go a looked a Cancer seriously. "Cancer never walked out before a car again. I was so worried when I heard the news. I didn't want to lose you"! Pisces started crying and glomped Cancer. "ACK! p-pisces"! After school I was waiting for cancer. I saw her at her locker switching out her shoes. She came up to me. "Ready to go"? She asked. I smiled. "Yeah." Again we were walking side by side. Cancer stopped I was still walking but I noticed that she stopped. I looked at her. "Hey what's wrong"? "Um Gemini do you like anybody"? I looked at her confused. I haven't liked anyone recently. "Not really". "Oh...I see". She started to walk away. I went after her and grabbed her wrist turning around. "I like you". I kissed her.
Sorry it took so long. Hope you like it.

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