Scorpio(m) x Sagittarius(m)

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Super lovers requested by kczarina97 I changed the story. Sorry. I didn't have ideas. By the way it took a long time sorry. It might sound rushed. I'm like brain dead. It's a really long one-shot
Sagittarius lived in Canada deep in the mountains with his parents since he was eight. His mom abandon him and he was adopted and had two step brothers he loved unconditionally and they loved him just the same. He refuses to remember his life with his birth mother. "How's mom doing"? Sagittarius asked. The diver laughed. "Well, it's tough for a popular novelist to have a personal life. She's taken in a new pup recently and she's got her hands full with him". "A dog"? "Well, you'll just have to do your best to make him human". The driver said. "Huh"? Sagittarius and the driver stopped infront of his mom's house. "Scorpio,where are you going dressed like that"! Scorpio jumped on top of the car and Sagittarius made a suprised sound. "Scorpio do you hear me! Sagittarius grab that kid"! His mom yelled. "Say what"? "Grab him or no lunch for you"! "Lunch is important"! The kid jumped off the car. Sagittarius grabbed his collar. "Let go of me"! "Oh you speak English? Hi I'm Sagittarius. Nice to meet you". Sagittarius held out his hand. Scorpio bit it. "OW FUCK! YOU LITTLE-" Before Sagittarius could finish his sentence Scorpio dissapeared into the woods. That's how Sagittarius and Scorpio met. "So what made you, a woman no one could kill even if they tried, make up so lie about being on the verge of death just to get me here? You never even call all thoes years"! Sagittarius said. His mom smoked a cigarette. "Mom are you listening to me"? Sagittarius asked. "Mom? Who said you could call me mom?" She grabbed his collar. "You will call me tsukiyoumi-san you brat"! Is this really the woman who gave birth to me? "So we heard your mom remarried how is that going"? "Great I have 2 little brother's now"? "Oh you have 2 brothers. I hope you won't mind one more than". "Wait come again"? "That's right Sagittarius. Scorpio will be your new brother". "THAT KID BIT ME"! Sagittarius said holding up his hand to show the teeth marks. "Go look for him or no lunch". "Fine". Sagittarius traveled into the woods. "Where did that brat go? I guess I have no choice". Sagittarius whistled. He heard heavy running. "Here he comes". Instead two wolfs jumped on him. "Ugh you guys get off. You're dam heavy"! "Why"? Sagittarius sat up and saw Scorpio staring at him. "Why do thoes two love you so much"? "Why,well..." "it took me a month just to be able to get close to them". "Oh, really"? Sagittarius started laughing. "Why are you laughing"? "Oh it's just that these two are special. They are like my brothers". "Brothers"? "How about thoes three? They look new? Theses 2 used to jump on me all the time when I was little so they are like my brothers. Are you satisfied now"? "Yes". Sagittarius picked up scorpio and slung him over his shoulder. "Then let's head back home for lunch. What do you want to eat"? "Put me down"! "Nope. You should really wear shoes. Your feet are all cut up.". "They're fine". "No they're not. They're all muddy too. It's bath time for you when we get back. I let you get away earlier after all". "Put me down"! "Sure,sure. When we're back at the house". "Put me down!" Scorpio came out of the bath wet. "Dry yourself off"! Sagittarius threw a towel on top of his head. "Let go"! "Nope". Sagittarius made dinner for him. Scorpio scarfed it down. "You didn't eat breakfast or lunch. What were you doing with the dogs all day? If you're going to get that Hungry why not eat before you leave? If you only eat once a day, you'll stay a runt forever". Scorpio glared. "That's where you finally react. Well, whatever. I'll pack and lunch for you, starting tomorrow". "I don't need it". "If you don't want it give it to the dogs". Sagittarius stirred the pan. "Here scorpio taste". He held out a spoon to him. Scorpio took a bite and covered his mouth because he didn't want to show that he enjoyed it but it was kinda obvious. "It's sweet". "My friend sent over a bunch of blueberry and I made jam of them. I'll make pancakes for you tomorrow with syrup or would you prefer something eles"? "That's fine". "Got it". "Wierdo". "You really are a big brother you've made alot of progress". "What progress? You mean finally throwing him in the bath on my fifth day here? He's still sleeping with the dogs in the garage instead of his own room. Where are you seeing progress"? "Well he responds when his own name is called now, he eats his meals at the table and you even got him in the bath. That's impressive! When he first came here 3 months ago, his hair was long so I shaved it while he was in the bath. He hasn't gone to the bathroom since". Sagittarius slumped. "So that's why he hates baths. So tsukiyoumi-san, what made you take in scorpio all this time"? "It just happened. I happened to be at the orphanage with the dogs on a sympathy call, and he was the one the dogs really took a liking to. He barely spoke since his arrival at the orphanage. He was so anti-social, they didn't know what to do with him. After that visit, they stuck me with him, saying we'd get along since I was English". Saggitarius's mother explained. "He was speaking the language normally. Is he American"? "Don't know"? "How can you not know"? "Well look at me, my mother's American and I was born and raised in Canada". "Yeah but..." "he says he doesn't remember anything. He was found passed out on the street when he was six. Ever scince then, his name and age are all he he knows". Sagittarius went to garage and was going to cover scorpio with a blanket but scorpio woke up. "What are you doing"? "Well, I thought you'd be cold at night with such a thin blanket. Here". "It's fine I have the dogs". "Those guys move around a lot in their sleep. You'll get sick in no time". Maybe it's not that he doesn't he doesn't want to sleep inside but that he can't.
"Sagittarius this your new home and this is your new family". Gem,ini. Look This is your older brother".
End of flashback
Just be told you're "family" out of the blue doesn't mean you'll open right up, huh"? He put the blanket around scorpio. "Anyway, keep warm when you sleep"? He kissed scorpio's forhead. "See you tomorrow". Sagittarius left the garage. Don't go near him...he's a scary man. Scorpio was playing in the river with the dogs then his stomach growled. He looked over at his lunch. He opened it and saw food with dogs printed on them. He felt the dogs surround him with drooling mouths. He stuffed the food in his mouth and ran. "Where's scorpio? Playing with the dogs again"? The diver's wife asked. "I guess". Sagittarius said. "I hope he'll warm up to us a bit. How's it going for you Sagittarius"? The drivers wife asked. "How do you think"? Sagittarius held up his arm. "I got these bites and scratches from just trying to put him in the bath". Sagittarius said. "Tsukiyoumi-san said he was traumatized". The driver said. "I can hear you two you know". Tsukiyoumi-san said pissed. "Oh Sagittarius you really are amazing! You got him to wear shoes"! The driver's wife said. "That's only because I fought him Over it every day".
Flash back
"If you're human wear shoes"! "Shut up! Get off! Don't touch me pervert"!
end of flashback
"And yet he called me a pervert"! Sagittarius said disappointed. "Come to think of it, you've been a bit of a worry wart ever since you were little". Scorpio ran up the stairs. "Welcome home scropio! Did you play in the river with the dogs again? I'll make you dinner go wash your han-" Scorpio handed Sagittarius the lunch box. "Huh your lunch box". Sagittarius took it. "Wow it's heavy! Hey did you eat your lunch"? Sheesh Well I didn't expect it to work out that well. Sagittarius's eyes widened. Oh man I think I'm in trouble now... he smiled at the berries that filled the lunch box. Is this what they call feeling like you're are ontop of the world. "Tsukiyoumi-san what are you doing about scorpio's schooling"? "As long as we have a computer he's home schooled". "That might help with his studies but what about friends? Don't you want friends"? "No need". Scorpio said. "What about college"? "I'll take care of that when it comes to it". Tsukiyoumi-san said. "I'm going out". Scorpio said. "Same place? I'll bring you lunch let's eat together". Scorpio stopped and choked out an "Okay" and left. "there's a problem with forcing that kid to act socially right now. Did you see the cigarette bruns on the soles of his feet"? "Yeah in the bath. Did that happen in the orphanage"? "Yes. I don't know if it was one of the employees or the other kids". When Sagittarius brought lunch for scorpio they both played in the river. "Scorpio it's cold! How can you stand to play out here every day"? "I'm fine". "You've got to respect a kids body heat". Scorpio glared. "N-never mind. I'm hungry so let's have lunch. Today...I brought rice balls". Scorpio's face lit up. "I'm glad I brought rice from America. Scorpio do you like rice"? "Well I don't hate it". Sagittarius began dragging scorpio thorough the lake. "Yeah good for you. Nothing like my little brothers-" Sagittarius fell backwards into the lake. "I'm so sorry scorpio". Sagittarius sat up. "Ugh we're soked. We should probably head back for now". "I'm fine". Scorpio looked at Sagittarius's eyes. "Your..." "What's wrong scorpio"? "Your...your eyes...your eyes are a wired color". "Well I can't help it I got them from my grandfather. I'm going back to change. Eat the lunch by yourself". "Hey gem what's up"? Sagittarius asked over the phone. "No tsukiyoumi-san is just fine. No she's perfectly healthy. Well there's still time left in summer break. Don't you have plans with your friends. Even if I'm not there don't you have ini? What's with you? I'm surprised you called me and now you're crying? I know okay? Don't worry so much. I'll be back in America soon." Scorpio heard this. "T-t-t-trouble! We've got trouble! Mom! Mo-" Tsukiyoumi-san punched him. "I told you it's tsukiyoumi-san! You've got guts coming in my room before a dead line"! Sagittarius got on his knees and bowed. "I'm sorry! B-but forget that it's scorpio! He hasn't come home"! "Well it's raining. He's probably taking shelter some where with the dogs". "I thought so too but the dogs came back! Only the dogs!" "Are you stupid!? You should've told me that first! I'll call the driver! You go look for him right now!" Is he still at the river? No, he usually goes somewhere else to play after lunch... "Dammit! Scorpio you idiot! The river's ovet it's banks! Get back here"! Scorpio shook his head. "Huh! Are you saying you won't listen to me! You put me through all this work you brat. We're going back right now"! "I can't"! "What are you-" "the bag...I dropped the bag in the river"! "Oh. That doesn't matter I'll give you another one tomorrow". "But I didn't even get one bite of it. And now the rice"? The rice? Is rice really that important to you? Sagittarius smiled and patted scorpio's head. They said this kid would eat anything but they never told me his favorite food. "Then we'll have oatmeal rice tonight"! Sagittarius put scorpio ovet his shoulder. "Come on. Tsukiyoumi-san is scary". Sagittarius was carrying scorpio piggyback style. "Tsukiyoumi-san isn't scary. She's nice. She took me in". "Oh well...that's true. I wish she'd be nice to me too". "Sagittarius...are you going back to America"? "Huh? You heard me say that"? "Please don't leave". "Sumner breaks only half way over. I'm not going yet. I haven't even lit fireworks with you yet, or taken you fishing. Oh! You need to show me where you found thoes berries! There are still so many things I want to do with you". Scorpio started crying. Nice people are scary. That why all of the people I've met...Sagittarius scares me the most. " do you explain this". Tsukiyoumi-san looked at the thermometer. "I swear you're such a wimp! If this was enough to knock you out then you're useless"! Tsukiyoumi-san ranted. "You're absolutely right. I can't dispute that"! Sagittarius said strained. "Honestly...Scorpio you take it from here". "Okay". "Scorpio you don't have to worry about me. Go out and play". "Tsukiyoumi-san is the leader. She told me to take over". What kind of hierarchy is going on in his head? "You want to eat something"? Scorpio asked. "Nah not right now. Even better I'll be lonely by myself. I would like if you could come over here and sleep with me". Sagittarius said. "Okay. I will". "What!? Really!?" Scorpio slipped under the covers. Sagittarius wrapped an arm around him. "You're so sweet scorpio"! "I can't breath". "When I'm better I'll make lunch for you again. If you like rice I'll make sushi rolls". "Sagittarius your eyes..." "oh sorry are they creepy? Sorry I can't change the color. Though..." "no! I was going to say they were an unusual color. They charge color when they're in the light and it looks like there's a flower blooming in your eye". "When I first moved to America the kids in my class said the color of my eyes were creepy. That memory just came back to me. Sorry I took it out on you". "They're not creepy". Scorpio said. He looked up and smiled. "They're pretty". Sagittarius's eyes widened. "Scorpio you..." Sagittarius pulled him into a kiss. Scorpio punched him. "What are you doing to me"?! "What's the problem? Isn't a kiss just a greeting in this country"? "Not when it's on the mouth"! "Scorpio you're even cuter when you're mad"! "What if I catch your cold"!? "That's what you're worried about"? Sagittarius kissed him on the forehead. "Do you want to come to America with me". "America"? "I'm thinking about moving out when I graduate and we can live together then". "I'll think about it". "Great it's a promise". "Sagittarius are you okay"? The diver's wife opened the door. She saw Scorpio sleeping on Sagittarius's chest. She smiled. "Sagittarius you're such a great big brother". I relized now...back then how arrogant I was...I felt that...I found some precious. Sagittarius arrived at the airport. "Sagittarius"! "Mom? And dad too"? "How was scorpio"? "Huh? How do know about scorpio"? "There are no secrets between tsukiyoumi-san and me"! His mom with hearts floating around her head. "Isn't lovely to have a new family member"!? "Huh? What does that mean". "Okay well talk more in the car".
Sagittarius was getting off work. A job where ladies fawn over you is tiresome. "Hey! Sagittarius if you're leaving wanna get breakfast on the way home"!? Aries asked. "Sure but you're paying for yours". What!? Cheapskate! You make tons of money"! "I have to save up so my little brothers can go to school! Next year they'll be applying for college". "Argh so disappointing! I became a host because I wanted to be like you. You seem really comfortable with your life! You're obsessed with your brothers your cold to me"! "The last one has nothing to do with you". Sagittarius got a text. "I have to go". "Where to meet a woman! You're picking a woman over me"! Aries asked. "Meeting a pretty lady is way more entertaining". I've got no choice. How else am I supposed to make money? It happened five summer's ago. When I came to, I was lying in a hospital bed. Apparently I have been unconscious for a month. My younger brother gem blamed me. If only they never went to the airport that accident would have never happened. He said. But I didn't remember a single thing that summer "You're late"! The lady threw a book at his face. "Ow I'm sorry". "Well since you're a host I'll avoid the face". "Look I came directly from work". "I got something from tsukiyoumi-san". "Mom? Come to think of it you and mom are friends". "Here". Sagittarius read the title. My first summer. "What the heck is this DVD? This name sounds like a porno". "Tsukiyoumi-san said it was something very important that you forget to take with you". "Huh"? "Do you still not remember going to tsukiyoumi-san please five years ago?" "Nope. Why"? "Well I feel bad for the boy you made a promise to". "What boy"? "It doesn't matter if you don't remember me. But we made a promise. I'm going to live in Japan with you". Sagittarius turned around and his eyes widened. "Um who are you"? "This is scorpio. He came from Canada. First time in America. He's in your care now". Scorpio followed Sagittarius to his apartment. Sagittarius opened the door. "Well come on it". "It looked shabby from the outside but the inside doesn't disappointed either". "Hey don't underestimate the housing conditions in Dallas! If you don't like it leave"! "No. I'm not going back. I'm living here with you. You're the one who said you wanted to do that". "Sorry but I don't remember that at all. Come in oh and take off your shoes". "I heard you don't remember me because of the trauma from the accident. But what about quark and lepton"? "What? The dogs? You know them? Are they still alive"? "No they're dead. The died the month you moved back to America. They lived long enough. You regained consciousness shortly after that. When I met you. I knew they were protecting you". "Is there more to the story? I just got off work. I'd like to relax and take a bath". "Now that you mention it you stink. You smell like copious amounts of cigarettes and booze". This brat. "What happened to your brothers"? They are with there grandparents. They refused to take me. We aren't related by blood. They only wanted their grandsons and rejected me. Anyways how am I going to tell my brothers about you"? "Just say I'm your brother". "That won't work! Until I get my head around this don't tell anyone!" "Fine". "Then what"? "He said he was
Flash back
"That's my refrigerator". Sagittarius pointed to the convient store. "It's pretty big". "It's open 24 hours a day. You have to pay for your food though". "I have to pay even though it's yours". "That's how it works". "Will Canadian dollars work"? As if! Don't open things! Don't put them back! Why did you get so much rice"?
End of flash back
"This morning he exploded an egg in the microwave". "Hahaha". "You're brother sounds cute"! "I can't breath"! "Hahaha"! Sagittarius got off work and saw Scorpio at the book store. He wrapped his arm around his shoulder. Scorpio screamed. "What are you doing"? "Don't scare me! I thought you were a grizzly bear"! "There are no grizzly bears in America". "Tsukiyoumi-san said there are stay bears". "That won't be attacked by the way what are you looking at? Chapter books? That might help you learn about the culture. I'll buy you some". "You sure"? "Yeah". Scorpio smiled. Well I guess he can make facial expressions too. "Scorpio take a bath". "Sagittarius how do you read this". "Is this his first time reading"? "Whatever take a bath". I'll take one later". "Hey when was the last time you took a bath"? Scorpio jumped away from him. "It's been a week since you came to America! That's gross! Take a bath!" "No way! It cramped dark and creepy"! "How rude! It may be cramped but I'm enough of a clean freak to keep it nice! If it's so scary close your eyes! I'll give you a bath myself". After Sagittarius cleaned scorpio he sighed. "I'm exhausted". I feel like I've done this before but where? "I'm hungry". "Me too. Let go somewhere to eat"! There was knock on the door". "Bro it's me gem! Ini is with me"! Shit! Sagittarius pushed scorpio in the bathroom. "I haven't told them about you. Stay here until I say you can come out"? "Ok". "Bro"! "One minute I just got out of the tub". Sagittarius opened the door. "What do you guys want"? He brother pushed him aside. He smelt the air. "So you really did take a bath. No woman"? Ini noticed small shoes. "Bro let's eat meat"! Gem said. After going out to eat with his brother he walked home. "God Dammit. So much meat. How will I tell them about scorpio". Sagittarius opened his door. "Scorpio are you asleep? Scorpio?"
"Stay here until I say you can come out"!
End of flashback
Sagittarius opened the bathroom. "Can I come out now"? "Scorpio..." "can I come out now"? "Yes". "Im going to bed". Sagittarius hugged scorpio from behind. "I'm sorry. I trapped you". "I wasn't trapped". "But still I'm sorry". "That was some good beef"! Gem said. "Gem did you notice any shoes in the apartment"? Ini asked. "I didn't smell a woman". "They weren't woman shoes but a child's". "My brother didn't have a child"! "He's only 22 but we have another brother". "Where did you get that information". "It's on the registration form". "What"!? "Scorpio after all that I was lonely. The accident-" "You have me. You won't be lonely. You are the first person to call me family". Sagittarius snuggled him. "You're crowding me". "I like it that way. You smell kinda nice. Like a child's-" Scorpio punched him. "I'm not a child". "Oh scorpio". "Sleep by yourself"! "Scorpio don't kick me out! It's cold"! "Shut up"! The next morning scorpio and Sagittarius were eating breakfast. "Let's go to the zoo". "Zoo"? "Yes they have elephants". "They didn't have elephants in Canada". Sagittarius and Scorpio walked outside to met with his brothers. "Well what do we have here"? "U-um this child...I'm babysitting". "Spit it out! We have proof". "Fine this is my younger brother scorpio". "I'll never aceppct him". "It doesn't matter. I don't care if you don't accept me. I only came to fulfill my promise with Sagittarius" "no you can't have my brother"! "Embarrassing". Ini Said.
That's it! I hope you like it.

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