Sweet Secrets

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Taylor's Pov:

"Harry stop!" I say in between laughs as he frolics around the beach, kicking sand towards me.

"Oh really? You want me to stop?" He laughs with a sly smirk.

"Yes please!" I say picking up my shoes up off the white sand.

Harry practically sprints towards me and grabs at my waist.

"Har-" He cuts me off by throwing me over his shoulder and running towards the sparkling blue ocean.

I protest in between laughs as he gets closer. We get to edge of the water and he teases me.

"Ready?" I can hear the smirk in his voice, husky and rough sounding.

"No!" I shout. It's practically the middle of winter. We were just supposed to be going for a stroll.

"One, two..." He eggs on, holding onto my hips a little looser now.

"Haz- no!"

And with that, almost as if on que, I get thrown into the icy water.


"Satisfied." I say through gritted teeth.

The weird thing is, even though I'm pissed, I can't stay mad at him. It's kinda like when you get mad at a parent. You know? You scream and shout, and end up getting grounded. You swear that this is the last time you'll ever talk to them. Yet, you find yourself laughing with them nearly an hour later. You can't stay mad at someone you love.

Harry puts out his hand, as in a prince-bowing down-to-a-queen type of way. I take this opportunity to grasp his hand in mine, begin to rise from the water. Only to yank his body into the water as well.

A sheepish smile spreads across his face as he raises a hand. Seeing this as a sign of violence, I begin to back up. His smiles quickly disappears and his hand, lowered into the water.

"I wasn't going to slap you. I was going to splash you"

"Oh" I say looking down at my hands.

'He wouldn't hurt you'

'Stop thinking he's Jake, he's not'

'I'm safe right?'

'This was a bad idea, trusting management'

'Wait he's looking at me, act cool'

'Is he going to hit me?'

"Taylor, are you alright?" His voice calls, pulling me from my thoughts.

I look up and find his green orbs staring back into mine. His facial expression is.. worried?

"Y-yeah." I stutter, pulling myself up from the water.

He rises and fumbles with his hands before looking up and opening his mouth.

"I'm sorry if I said something.." He says apologetically, taking my right hand in his left.

"You didn't say anything babe, let's forget about it?"

"Yes. I don't like seeing you upset like that." He says placing his pink lips to my forehead before pulling me into his shoulder. We walk like that, down the board walk for a while.

No words are being said, and I like it. It takes the tension out of everything. The 'what if I say something stupid and he hates me' consept that comes along with dating. I shiver as I feel the grainy sand below me scratch up my feet.

"Want my coat love?" Harry asks stopping and pulling on his sleeve.

"Sure. Thanks Mr Styles." I say with a laugh before he drapes his brown coat around my shivering shoulders.

He puts his one arm around my shoulders and I lay my head on his shoulders while we continue to walk.

"So Miss Swift, tell me about yourself aye?"

"Uh, what do you want to know?"

"What your childhood was like" his voice is beginning to put me at ease.

"I grew up on a tiny Christmas tree farm in Pennsylvania. There were a lot of animals, horses, cats, dogs. Anything!" I say throwing my hands up in the air with a smile on my face.

"That's awesome! Sounds really lovely."

"What about you?"

"I grew up in a little city called Cheshire. Just me, my mum, and older sister."

"That's so great. I've always loved London."

"So Taylor, who you perhaps like me to buy you a cup of hot chocolate?" He says bowing in front of a cute little coffee shop.

"Yes I would!" I say curtsying, resulting in a laugh from Harry.

He takes my hand and we walk into the coffee shop. We're the only ones there at the moment.

"Hi May I have two hot chocolates please?" He asks when we get to the counter.

"Is that okay with you? Hot chocolate?" He whispers. I nod, taking in this cute place. The walls painted a light blue with seashells hanging on the walls. The workers look to be about sixteen.

"Here you go!" The blonde says before handing Harry and I our cups. He pays before putting his hand on the small of my back and leading me through the tables. We get to one in the back corner and he pulls my chair out before sitting himself down next to me.

I fiddle with the straw poking out of my cup before gazing around the cafe and out the windows.

"Harry." I whisper staring out into the window.

"What?" He asks confused.

"T-there's p-paparazzi out there. They're taking pictures." I stutter.

"Shit." He mutters and out his head onto the table.


"No just stay calm. You're safe with me." He says looking back up and putting his hand over mine. I looked past his shoulder at the flashing cameras.

"You're safe with me." He whispered encouragingly in my ear as he guided me through the paparazzi back to my car that took me to my private plane.

"I love you."

"I love you more, always and forever"

"Always and forever Taylor."

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