Little Cries

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(A/N: hey I'm so excited about the live chat. thank you for 10k reads, that makes me sooo happy! sorry for any mistakes, I'm on mobile.)

Harry's Pov:

Another cry begins in the room and I flick on the light. Taylor sits up slightly and reaches into the bassinet near the pull out couch.

"What Mila? You've been fed and changed and I don't know what you want." She says, frustration laced under her soft voice. She attempts to nurse, which tragically fails. Next a diaper change is tried which doesn't work either. Taylor believes Mila is a great baby but in all honesty, Taylor has no idea what she's saying. She barely sleeps and the physical and mental exhaustion is slowly beating her down.

"Here, maybe she wants to go for a walk. Let me walk around the kitchen with her." I answer and Taylor looks up. She nods and hands Mila to me whose face is red.

"You don't have to cry. You're just overly tired, right?" I ask Mila as I sit up and lift myself off the bed. I make it half way across the living room before turning back to Taylor.


"Harry no, you're not staying up all night with her." She states, crossing her arms. I reach onto the counter and grab a pacifier which Mila begins to tiredly suck on.

"There, she's done crying. We're all good, she's going to sleep. You're going to sleep, I'm going to sleep." I say walking back towards the bed. I put Mila into the bassinet and flick the light off. I get onto the bed and Taylor comes right into my chest. It wasn't cuddling, it was a hug that lasted longer than normal. I understand she needs the emotional support because every time Mila cries, she blames herself. Which trust me, it's not Taylor. Mila isn't an easy baby. She's fussy if you put her down, and she'll wail all night if she's just tired. This is only the third night of us being home and I have to say, not one of us has gotten eight hours of sleep each night. Mila's up every two hours, wether it's she's hungry or needs a diaper change. Taylor eventually just snaps and gets upset. Which is what you would expect. She isn't one to handle stress in the greatest way.


The same old thing happens two hours later but it's worse than before. Mila was hungry and Taylor was tired. Of course, it's not like I could feed her. I wish I could in all honesty. Taylor sits up with a pillow in her lap holding Mila up to her chest. She looks around the room with an uncomfortable look on her face and her face flushes when Mila eventually falls asleep. Not to mention all the complaining that's started. Pain had been the main focus which I can understand. Taylor puts Mila back into the bassinet and collapses onto the pillows. I turn around and pull her into my arms.

"You're doing great baby girl." I say quietly.

"I'm just so tired. This is worse than that time we flew to England together to meet your family. Remember? We were jet lagged for like three weeks." She recalls and I nod.

"Are you feeling sore still?" I ask.

"Yeah but like, I'm going to. You know? I'm going to be in pain which you would expect. You make it better though, letting me rest and all. Thank you Haz." She says quietly.

"You're welcome, anything you need. I've got you, every step of the way." She nods and puts one arm up onto my waist.

"You're so comfy babe." I laugh and look down to Taylor. I run my fingers through her curls and kiss her forehead. Her head drops to my chest so I figure she's asleep. I smile and let myself drift off.

The next two hours felt like five minutes honestly. Mila's cry sounded throughout the room and Taylor sat up.

"Har- she's up." Taylor says, shaking me by my shoulders. I sit up and look to Taylor. She leans against the pillows and exhales. We both get up and Taylor gently pulls Mila into her arms.

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