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Taylor's Pov:

"Harry- do we have everything? Am I forgetting something?" I call up the stairs, dragging my suitcase go the door.

"Yes, don't stress babe. We got it under control." He says bringing two more suitcases down the stairs of my New York apartment.

"How do I not stress though? We're flying to Nashville, telling our parents about the baby, going to the doctor, then flying to London all in one week." That's right. We're flying to Nashville where we're planning to raise the baby. Then going the doctors and meeting my parents to talk about everything. Then we get onto another flight to London to tell Harry's parents. While we're there, we're visiting his management to sort out visits and breaks. Hopefully he'll be here as much as possible.

"Our flight is in three hours Harry! We need to hurry up, do you know if you'll be able to like sleep on the flight? It's nearly two hours."

"Taylor- please calm down. We're fine babe. Are you worried or something? You've never acted like this" He rubs my arm and grabs the suitcase from my hands.

"There's a lot on the line, that's all." I sigh and he pouts. He kisses my forehead lightly and I lay my head on his chest.

"Are you calm now? That always used to calm you." He whispers.

"Yeah, let's go." I breathe and run my fingers through my natural curls.

Harry grabs all of our bags and we walk to the car. Paparazzi linger around the front gate, near my car. He opens my door and I step in before he closes the door. He walks back around and gets in the drivers side, placing his hand on my thigh. He rubs his thumb up and down slightly and starts to drive.


"Harry I'm scared"

"Me too babe but I promise, it'll be okay." I nod and squeeze his hand before walking into the Nashville Children's Hospital.

We sit in the waiting room, me growing more impatient by the second. Harry's leg taps the floor in a steady beat, his hand resting on my knee.

"Taylor Swift?" The receptionist asks.

Harry and I stand up and walk to the desk, I mumble a 'thank you'. She then leads us to a private room where my pediatrician, Katilyn, greets us.

"Hi Taylor, what brings you here?" She smiles.

"I made an appointment because I- um" I fumble with my fingers and bite my bottom lip. I look up and Harry's forehead is crinkled and my doctor quirks her eyebrow.

"There might be a possibility that I'm uh" I stare down to my feet.

"We think I'm pregnant." I breathe and her face goes to a light shade of pink.

"Oh, okay." Katilyn breathes out and stands up.

"Why don't you come slide over here so, we can have a look. Does that sound good?" She says leading me to a hospital bed near a monitor. I nod and take up Harry's hand and grip it.

"Did I do something? She's shocked, that's bad Harry."

I'm a wreck, I want to leave this room.

"No, you're fine babe." He places his hand on my the small of my back, walking directly behind me.

I bring myself up onto the bed and she pulls out some sort a machine.

"I'm going to put this gel on your stomach, okay?" She smiles and I nod. She runs the wand around my lower abdomen and smiles.

"You're right, there's a baby." I turn to Harry and he's staring at the screen.

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