Missing You

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I reach out to my phone to try to reach Harry in anyway possible.

"Taylor put your phone down." My mother calls from the other side of the plane.


"It'll interfere with the connection, we'll crash." She retorts, always being the cautious one.

I throw my phone down on the table in defeat. It's only one hour into my three hour flight to Nashville. I'm going into the studio to record some stuff then I have a few days off. I want to have more than 'a few days' off. I want to be with Harry, every moment of everyday. I want him to hold me when I'm upset. I want him to kiss my forehead and snuggle me in on cold nights. I want him to be here, not in London. I want him just to.. have someone who cares. All my life I've had people come and go. But Harry isn't like that though. We have opposite personalities yet, were a perfect match. Like a puzzle. We even each other out.

"Taylor" my mom calls out, annoyance is the only emotion I can make out from her face.


"What's going on? You keep zoning out"

"Nothing" I sigh and play with my seatbelt.

"Taylor" she says getting up from her seat and sitting directly across from me.

"Stop mom. I'm not in the mood" I feel tears pricking the back of my eyes.

'No Taylor, don't cry. Stop this is stupid, you'll see Harry another day' those thoughts surge through my head. Colliding into each other like bumper cars at the county fair.

I take a deep breath and put my head onto the back of my chair and close my eyes.

All that goes through my mind is his voice. The kisses we snuck to each other the car ride here. The cool sand beneath my feet and his arm guarding my shoulders. The freedom that came along with his presence. I felt quick at ease when he speaks.

"You'll see him again. You just need to do some promotion for Red and he has his own work. You'll see him soon" she says, laying her hand over mine.

"Thanks mom" I croak out.

I lean my head back down and decide it's best to past time by sleeping.


"Taylor, Tay wake up" I hear someone whisper before they begin to shake my body.

"Wh-what?" I ask and open my eyes and to my relief, it's just my mother standing in front of me.

"Sweetie, we're just landing"

"Oh okay. Thank you" I say before sitting back up and putting my things together. I stand up and grab my carry-on and suit case before striding to the door. The door quickly opens and I'm met face-to-face with about twenty paparazzi. I look over my shoulder to see my mother just getting off the plane. She hurrys up to my side and I attempt to tune out negative things they're shouting.

"Taylor, is it true that your dating One Direction's Harry Styles?" One tall- nearly creepy looking guy screams.

I give a slight nod and there is a thousand flashes. We reach the car and I hop in as fast as I can. My mom slides in next to me before putting her purse down. The driver begins to exit the private runway.

"Those stupid paparazzi.." She beckons.

"If only Harry was here, he could punch them out in a second" I mutter to myself with a slight laugh.

The rest of the week drags by. Radio interviews, a visit to a tv show, and even a few songs recorded. I barley have any time to contact Harry. The last time we spoke was when I landed and he asked if I was okay because he saw the video. He told me not to beat myself up from it. But honestly how can I not? I made a mistake and now everyone knows.

My fans, his fans, his family. I ruined everything. I guess common relationships can't be normal at the moment.

I'm pulled from my thoughts as my ringtone starts to blare. The chime one to be exact. I don't even hesitate or look; I honestly don't care what the other person sees me looking like.

"Love!" someone screams from the screen. I turn my attention back to the screen. Its Harry.


"How are you doing kitten? How's work? Any new songs? Any people I need to drop kick?" he fires question after question. Typical Harry, I giggle at the last one.

"I'm fine, it's great. And actually yeah, a few. And no" I breath-laughed.

"What time is it there?" he flew back to London after I left.

"Uh"- he looks down at his phone in his hand- "3:42am"

"Oh my god babe" I say tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"What time is it there?"

"10:43. But even though it's early, I'm exhausted"

"You should go to bed. I'll call you in the morning" he mumbles, struggling to keep his eyes open.

"Okay. I love you Haz"

"Are you sure you're alright love?" he's stalling me, I'm fine.

"Yes Harry. Goodnight"

"But I saw on the news that video and my fans wouldn't stop hati-"

"Harry stop it" he hit a sensitive spot.

There's an awkward silence present. He looks down before looking back up and hanging up. Okay cool.

I'm about to put my phone on the charger when I decide to open twitter. I ignore my mentions and feed and go right to new tweet.


but you're in London and I break down cause it's not fair that you're not around.

I tweet that but instantly regret it.

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