Hospital Visits

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Harry's Pov:

Taylor leans all her weight onto my knees as I sit on a stool in the kitchen. She let's her arms wrap around my t-shirt, her elbows digging into my elbows. She huffs and shifts her weight from her feet, slightly rocking back and forth. Her hair sticking to her neck. The only clothing she's wearing at the moment was a sports bra and a pair of my sweatpants.

"I don't like the way this feels." She says swaying her hips. It's three in the morning and this has been happening for an hour. We'd started out in the bedroom with her pacing but now there's more pain.

Taylor's Pov:

I lean my head against the cold granite tops and spread my arms across the island. I hear footsteps and assume it's Anne or Gemma, or both.

"Oh- I feel it in my back. Oh-my back." I whisper as I hear someone talking. I feel someone take my hands into there's.

"You've got it sweetie, just breathe." I hear Anne say from somewhere near my left side.

"This has been going on for an hour." I hear Harry whisper.

"Is it just your back?" Anne asks as I open back up my eyes. The pain had drifted away.

"Mostly my back, but also my stomach." I say licking my lips. I look up and Anne is standing near the stove at my side. Harry had been leaning up against the island, holding my hands. Gemma was looking worriedly my way as she leaned onto the wall.

"You guys go back to bed." I say softly.

"No no, it's alright. We're here for support, right Gemma?" Anne asks. Gemma nods and inches closer to her mother. I take one of my hands out of Harry's and place it to my back. I stand up straight and apply pressure to my back. Harry walks over and pulls me into a hug.

"Would you call my mom?" I ask quietly.

"Mum, can you call Andrea?" I hear Harry ask. I assume Anne said yes because I hear her talking to someone.

"Yes, Taylor's in labour." Anne states. I release a breath into Harry's shoulder. A few minutes pass and I hear the front door open. I hear more footsteps travel into the kitchen. The room is mainly quiet besides my breathing filling the room.

"My back-oh my god." I breathe into Harry's chest.

"It hurts." I moan into his chest. I breathe heavily as he keeps his arms lightly on my waist. The pain slows down and fades away before I bring my hand up to wipe away sweat from my brow.

"That's fifteen minutes apart." Gemma states.

"Haz, it's only going to get worse." I groan.

"I'm right here, we'll go to the hospital whenever you like." He whispers.

"I feel like I'm gonna be sick." I say quietly. Harry leads me slowly to the sink where I get sick multiple times before I lean against the island. Harry washes out the sink as I let my head hang backwards and close my eyes. I let out a breathe and he comes back over. I feel a popping sensation and water seeps through my sweatpants.

"Oh my god, my water just broke!" I scream. Harry backs up, letting our mothers come up to me.

"We need to get to the hospital." My mom says looking down at the wet floor. I nod and Gemma runs to grab our bags and Harry runs to get the keys.

"Ohh contraction. Contraction." I scrunch my nose up and lean onto my mothers shoulder. I let my stomach hang below me as I hear more footsteps rush into the room. I cry out in pain and my mother jumps.

"You're okay sweetie, just breathe okay? In and out." She says softly and I nod.


Taylor's Pov:

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