Baby Shower Surprises

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Harry's Pov:

We're currently driving to Taylor's 30 week appointment. Tenseness fills the car up to the ceiling as Taylor grips my hand anxiously.

"What are you so worried about baby? Everything will go fine." I rub my thumb over her hand.

"Knowing when she will actually be coming. This is terrifying." She mumbles as we pull into the parking lot.

"Don't worry, she'll be here soon enough." I kiss her forehead and she leans onto my shoulder. A light rain begins to tap on the roof and she sighs.

"We should go in, or else we'll be late." I nod and step out, closing my door then opening Taylor's. She takes my hand and I help her gain her balance and she smiles slightly.

"It's a little chilly out today, like back in England." She smiles, picking up my hand and lacing our fingers together. She closes her cardigan as much as she can over her stomach and shivers.

"That reminds me- is your mom and Gemma flying out here to meet Mila or are we flying there?" She asks as we get inside the clinic.

"They're flying here a few days before your due date."

"Oh okay, let's hope I don't go earlier." I shrug and play with the knitted sleeve of her white cardigan. She rubs some of the scruff on the floor with the tip of her boot.

"Taylor Swift?" The nurse calls. Taylor and I stand up, Taylor holding onto my arm. We walk past the counter that has become all too familiar throughout the past months.

"Hello Taylor, how are you feeling?" Her doctor asks as Taylor is attempting to lay on the exam table.

"Tired, and weak. She's moving around a lot more, and constantly kicking. I still haven't felt those weird pains you told me about yet." She sighs and adjusts herself.

"You'll start to feel them soon, they'll be sort of painful. You might realize it or not, but that's okay." Kaitlyn says softly and instructs Taylor to pull up her shirt. She squirts on the blue goo and the heartbeat fills the room.

"If you place your hand right here- you'll feel the shape of her head."

Taylor places her hand against a spot on her lower abdomen.

"Oh my god- that's so weird. Does it hurt her?" She asks, pulling her hand off after a few seconds.

"Nope it doesn't hurt her but, she can feel it." Katilyn smiles.

The rest of the appointment goes by quickly. Pre- cautions are discussed and advice is given to deal with pain. Taylor sits down in the car with a huff and quickly kisses my cheek.

"I love you so much." She breathes.

"I love you more, forever and always?"

"Always and forever." She smiles.

We spend the rest of the ride deciding a paint color. Even though as much as Taylor wants to help- she can't. The paint fumes are dangerous.

"I feel like mint green with white would be so cute." She smiles, I can tell more and more everyday that she's getting excited.

"No typical girl colors?" I ask, turning into the gate.

"I don't know." She shrugs.

"What about like purple walls and little white butterflies?"

"That sounds adorable." I say opening her door as she leans on me for balance. The paparazzi screaming behind us but, we're too caught up in our conversation to notice.

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