I love you

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Harry's Pov:

"So you're sure Taylor doesn't know a thing?"

"Yes, now we're landing. Are you at gate six yet?" She whispers.


"Okay, we'll meet you there in ten minutes. Bye Harry"


Okay, yes I know I'm on tour. But, I got a whole week off. You tour for a few weeks than get a week off to visit family. Well my family is currently in England. So I compromised with them, to let me surprise Taylor. She's supposed to be getting off her flight in a few minutes.

Taylor's Pov:

"Hey Harry" I say against his bare shoulder.

"Yes love?"

"What's the best thing that's ever happened to you?" he looks lost in the thought for a moment before smiling down at me.

"You" he whispers and tightens his grip around my waist.



"I love you" I say sitting up a little and resting my head on my elbow.

"I love you too" he says pulling me in for another, long hug. He snakes his other hand from on top of the comforter and pulls up my chin.

"Can I tell you something?" he pokes my chest with a smirk.

"Uh yeah" it comes out as more of a question.

"You're a dork"

I playfully slap his chest and he puts his face extremely close to mine. I lean up and connect our lips. Sparks go off in the pit of my stomach. I really love this man.

I place my hand on his chest as he smirks from inside the kiss. He pulls me closer.

"Taylor, wake up. We landed" my mother says pulling me out of my dream.

"Okay" I respond. I'm still extremely drowsy from the cold medicine.

I grab my purse and sling it over my shoulder. I grab my bag and wheel it towards the door.

"Ready mom?"

"Yeah Let's go"

After getting through a crowd of flashing cameras that doesn't help my headache, I see a tall figure standing at this gate. Possibly a husband waiting for his wife to come home. I get closer as we walk the long tunnel.

"Mom.. is that"


I look back and there's a smirk planted on her face.

Harry notices me and instantly shoots up from his seat on the bench. He bolts down to me and I drop my bags.

"Harry!" I squeal and he grabs my waist and pulls me up into a mid air hug.

"I missed you so much, oh my god" I smile and tightly wrap my arms around his neck.

"I missed you so-" I cut him off with a kiss. That's all I need. All I want in this moment.

"How are you feeling?" he asks, still holding onto me.

"Great now that you're here" I look back and see my mother smiling.

"Okay, can we go to the hotel?" I ask, I'm still not feeling good.

"Yeah" Harry responds and picks up my luggage and begins down the hallway.


My mother goes to a separate room in the Manhattan hotel we reserved. She is flying back to Nashville tomorrow for something for Austin.

"Har- I'm sorry but I'm really tired, do we have to do anything tonight?"

"No-no you're sick. Movie day? Hopefully you'll feel better tomorrow"

"Thank you" the words linger on my lips and I walk over and hug him. Me hoping, that his touch will make me feel better.

"I love you"

"I love you more" I smile.

We separate and walk back over to the bed. I climb in while Harry strips down to only his boxers. Leaving me in my jeans, I decide to change also.

I strip down to my tank top and grab my bag and put back on my yoga shorts. I throw my hair into a loose ponytail as I walk back to the bed.

"What movie?"

"I don't care" I mumble.

Harry climbs in and I lay my head on his bare chest. It's moments like this that I wish I could stop time. With the soft hum of the movie as the only background noise, I begin to fall asleep. I fall completely asleep as I feel Harry kiss my forehead.

Harry's Pov:


Rainy day turns into movie day with my favorite girl. Too bad she fell asleep :(

@TaylorSwift13 pictwitter.8563$),647

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