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(A/N:I'm flashing forwards to a few weeks before Harry comes back because Taylor doesn't do anything while he's away.)

Taylor's Pov:

I click my mouse on the screen, revealing the smiling, curly hair boy.

"Taylor." I look up from assessing my old, faded Rolling Stones t-shirt.

"Harry, how are you? I miss you so much!" I smile.

"I'm good, you? How's the baby?" He calls me everyday just to know about what's going on, it's adorable.

"I'm alright, the baby is great. I had an appointment yesterday. Katilyn said she thinks it's a girl, which I'm happy about. She's the size of like uh- a mango, I think that's what she said." His eyes light up the way they always do when we talk about this.

"I've also like blown up. Like now I look pregnant instead of just fat, you know?" He chuckles and nods.

"Let me see?" I nod. I stand up and back up a little bit so, I'm fully in view. I pull up my shirt a little and he smiles.

"I can see it, I'm getting so excited babe." He smiles and I rub my hands down my bump and pull my shirt back down.

"Do you feel anything yet? I brought a few books with me- since when I get back, you'll be later in this pregnancy."

I smile and pull a shocked face and he laughs.

"Yeah, I feel tiny flutters. She said they're kicks but, it doesn't feel like that. And sometimes I feel some cramping around my back and sides."

"Kicks? Really?" He smiles excitedly.

"Yeah, normally at night though. When I'm about to go to sleep exactly." I lean back against the bed frame and pull my laptop up to my knees.

"Are you tired? You look exhausted babe, you can go to bed if you'd like. We can talk tomorrow I guess."

"No I'm fine." I smile and turn to the side to yawn. I would rather talk to Harry than go to sleep.

"I saw that yawn." He laughs. I place my hands on the bottom of my stomach, I'm feeling the flutters.

"Harry- I'm feeling flutters." I smile and he looks at me in some, proud way.

"I wish I could be there." I nod and look down. He should be here, that's the problem. He has to be here, this is a job for both of us. I don't like being alone, but I'm sure I'll make it through. I have made it through a month and a half.

"Stop having mood swings." He groans, holding in a laugh. He takes most things as a joke, especially this.

"Well I- I have to go, it's midnight here." I say awkwardly.

"Okay, I love you. Forever and always."

"Always and forever. I love you Harry. I hope you're here for the real kicks, she seems active." I stifle a laugh and rub my bump. He laughs and smiles. I click the end button and put my laptop on the end of the bed.

"Rhylie, I know you can hear me now, or so that's what I've been told. I hope you can learn your dad's voice. I know my heart skips a beat every time he speaks, his words are extremely charming. His smile captivating, his dimples craters in his face. I wouldn't mind if you didn't look like me, as long as you look like your father." Saying 'your father' makes me shutter. The fact that I'll see him, with this. This child that is ours. Created by accident but, in love. Solemnly in love. In just a few short weeks- he'll be here. Then everything will be rushed and organized.

I'll be five months pregnant- this crazy journey will be half over. We'll be finding out the gender, all the excitement that comes with that. Getting the nursery together, making plans, settling down, and then- the baby comes. So many mind blowing things, happening in such a short time. I don't know if I'm ready- I don't know if I ever will be.

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