Thin Sheets

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Taylor's Pov:

"What time is it?" he laughs. An empty wine bottle sits nearby on the bedside table.


"Are you tired?"

"No" I whisper and lay my head into Harry's chest once again.

After our alone time, we have just been absorbing our time together. We lay clothes less underneath a thin sheet, our legs tangled together.

"But what about the time when I tripped you on the beach, when we had our first weekend off in a while. You got so drunk after that bonfire" Harry says, smiling and laughing.

"That was all your fault Harry" I laugh.

"No it wasn't"

"Harry" I draw out the y and laugh.

I pull my head off his chest and become eye level with him.

"So Harry-"

He kisses my forehead and smiles.


"What's the best thing that's ever happened to you?" I bite my lip.

"You" I feel my cheats heat up.

"Harry" I smile and kiss him sweetly on the lips.

"What about you? Best thing that's ever happened to you?" he asks.

"You" I smile intently. This right now at the moment, is everything I've ever dreamed for.

"Is it okay if I go to sleep? I'm not feeling good babe" I say laying my head back into the warmth of Harry's chest.

"Yeah, we can get you medicine in the morning if you'd like"

"Okay, I love you Haz"

"I love you too Taylor" he smiles before laying his head on top of mine. I take a deep breath before falling asleep.


"Love" I feel Harry kiss my neck, than my cheek, than behind my ear.

"Harry?" I mumble and open my eyes. Harry is kneeling over me in just boxers, with his curly hair framing his face.

"Yes babe?" I can see the smile spreading across his face.

I take my hands from under the thin sheet and cup them to Harry's face. I pull his face down to mine so quickly that he erupts with laughter.

"Woah" he laughs.

"Shut up Styles" I laugh before connecting our lips once again.

"You know you're incredibly sexy right now- kiss me" he says pulling my face to his and tightening his legs around my waist.

"Harry- Harry stop" I say trying to seperate our lips.

"Come on Taylor.. Just ki-kiss me" he mumbles pushing his lips to mine once again.

"No babe, I seriously don't feel good" I say loud enough to pull him out of whatever he's trying to do.

 "Oh Taylor I'm so sorry. I didn't know, I'm so-"

"No it's fine baby, don't stress. I just need a little air I think" I mutter rubbing my tembles.

"Well, what's wrong? What hurts?" Harry asks looking worried.

"I have a migraine. Can you close the blinds?" I ask, rubbing Harry's forearm.

"Yeah I got it. Do you want anything? Tea? A back rub?" He asks crossing the room to the blinds, and closing them.

"No thanks but, could you hand me a shirt or somthing? I'm still kind of naked" I manage to stiffle a laugh.

"Taylor" he laughs and pulls a shirt of his bag and hands into me.

"Thank you baby" I say before smiling and pulling the shirt over my head.

"Do you want anything though?"

"I want you to lay with me" I smile.

"Okay" he smiles and crosses the room. He lingers over to the bed and pulls the cover down, climbs in, and pulls me into his chest. Harry puts his hand on the back of my head and begins to rub it.

"Harry please stop, that hurts-" I start to mumble but Harry cuts me off.

"Sorry love, what does a magraine even feel like?"

"Like someone is shooting me in the head or something. Plus you're sensitive to sound and light. Like everytime someone makes a noise I get extreme pain through my head"

"I'm sorry babygirl. I'll just let you sleep"

"Thank you baby" I smile into his chest before he pulls the blanket over my shoulder and puts one of his hands on my waist and the other on my back.

A/N: I just had to google all this migraine stuff. Sorry for the lack of updates. Feedback ? :)

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