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(A/N: as I was writing this, I had to delete some parts because it was so long. I apologize for that but there was a lot that was needed to be put into this chapter. Secrets ends in like two chapters and that scares me. I've been writing and updating since February, it's now September. seven months, woahhhhhh. vote and comment please!)

Harry's Pov:

I stand in my position in the kitchen, watching Taylor okay with Mila. I take another sip of my coffee and put the mug down. Taylor stands up and holds Mila against her shoulder with one hand and puts the other hand on her back. She walks into the kitchen and smiles at me.

"Hi baby." She smiles.

"Hello." I say, dragging out the o. She turns around so I'm facing Mila.

"And hello darling, happy thanksgiving little one." I smile and Mila looks up to me. Taylor looks over her shoulder and laughs slightly.

"Hey, hold her for a sec. I need to make a call." Taylor asks and I nod. Mila is transferred to my arms and she snuggles into my chest.

"Is my baby girl tired?" I ask, looking down to her.

"She's due for a bottle, there's like three in the fridge. Just heat it up and she'll go to sleep." Taylor says softly popping her head into the kitchen. She pulls the phone back up to her ear and begins talking again as she's walking away.

"Okay well, I've got to tell Harry. See you later, love you too. Bye." She answers before walking back into the room.

"What do you've got to tell Harry?" I ask, turning around to the beeping microwave. I grab the bottle and test it on my wrist. The temperature was good so I placed the bottle into Mila's mouth. She tiredly sucks and looks up at me.

"My mom invited us over for lunch then we can all go over to my aunts for dinner." Taylor says simply and walks over to me. She plants a kiss to my cheek and drapes her arms around my body.

"She's almost a month old Har, when did that happen?" She asks and leans her head onto my shoulder. I shrug and she kisses my neck sweetly.

"I'll take over Harry, go get some rest before we go to my moms. Is that okay?" She asks before walking to sink.

"Yeah, your mum's house for lunch sounds great. What time are we going?" I ask, leaning all my weight onto the counter.

"Uh eleven, isn't it like nine now?" She questions before rinsing the soap off of a plate.

"Yeah, Mila just fell asleep Tay." I smile and she turns around. She glances at me and turns off the water. She dries her hands and walks over to me.

"You go sleep, I've got her." She smiles and I nod.

Taylor's Pov:

I take Mila from Harry's arms and he kisses my temple.

"Wake me like twenty minutes before we go." He says quietly.

"Twenty minutes, got it." I smile and look down to Mila.

"Put on a tighter pair of pants if you want me to do anything." Harry says walking out of the room.

"Hey! You shut up!" I laugh and he smirks back at me. I walk up the stairs and walk into the nursery. She started sleeping in here last week, most nights I sleep in here. We're switching off and on formula, just a few times here and there. But mostly, it's me but if I'm doing something, it's easier for Harry just to feed her. I've gained some of my strength back but I'm still exhausted. Harry pulled most of the heavy weight in the beginning, now it's Harry's turn to sleep. I place Mila into the crib that is huge, considering how small she is. I went into the closet and grabbed her outfit, it has a turkey on it. It's adorable and that excites me. I bring it over to the changing table before grabbing a few other things.

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