I Think I Wanna Marry You

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(A/N: woah, I never thought I'd be writing an epilogue for secrets! thank you for reading this story and loving it as much as I do! I love you all, thank you so much for everything. I don't know what to do now, I've been so involved in this book for so long. well, since this is the last maybe comment your favorite part of the whole book? again, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you all so much! -Ally.)

Taylor's Pov:

"It's wedding day." I breathed as I leaned against the counter, stretching my legs out in front of me.

I had a million things jetting through my mind. I shifted my attention to where Mila was sitting on my lap, playing with some toy I brought into the kitchen. Mila and I were here alone for a few more minutes until the makeup artist shows up. There's about five hours until I have to be at the chapel where Harry and I are getting married. I plant a kiss to her forehead and she turns around and collapses into my chest. She nuzzles her face into my neck and I wrap my arms around her. There's a knock on the door and I slowly stand, propping Mila up onto my hip. I walk to the door as I hear the knocks again.

"I'm coming." I say before pulling the door open.

Harry's Pov:

"Har stop pacing, bloody hell." Gemma barks.

"Gemma leave your brother alone, he's nervous." My mum snaps at Gemma. Gemma slides off the counter and walks out of the room.

"Can I at least call Taylor?" I groan. I had to leave Taylor last night because the bride and groom apparently can't speak during the day of the wedding.

"Nope, but you'll see her soon enough." She chirps.

"I wish I could've had Mila here with me, Taylor shouldn't have to take care of her by herself."

"She can take of her by herself, calm down."

"Can I be alone?" I snap and she puts her hands up in surrender.

"Yeah, sorry." She mutters and walks out of the room. I sigh and put my head into my hands. I've just now been realizing that I truly love and care for Taylor, so one day away from her is agonizing.


Taylor's Pov:

My hands were shaking and my stomach was doing flips. I've never been this nervous before, which is ironic for me. I've played in the worlds biggest stadiums and sold out arenas, and a wedding scares me? I guess it should be nerve racking, this is my wedding after all. Mila was somewhere with my mother, probably drooling on her shirt or crying. She's begun teething which is interesting for all of us to witness and suffer through. I heard a muffled cry close by, then it gradually gets louder. My mom appears around the corner, Mila whimpering in her arms. Mila notices me and puts out her arms, reaching towards me. I'm torn- in one sense I want to pull her into my arms and calm her down. But, I can't because I'm already wearing the dress and have to walk out at any second.

"Abigail!" I hiss to her from her position inside of the dressing room. She turns around, high heel in hand. We've been rushing to get her ready because her plane arrived two hours ago.

"Can you grab the diaper bag? Just like throw it to me." I say and she nods. I could burst out laughing about how chaotic this whole thing is but I can't at the moment. Abigail finally locates the bag and finishes pulling on her shoe. She rushes out of the room and hands me the bag.

"I'm so happy for you, go have the best damn night of your life." She whispers before smacking my butt. I start cracking up as I hand the bag to my mom.

"Take this, trust me anything you'll possibly ever need is in that bag. There's a teething toy in the bottom of the bag. There's like eight bottles and diapers, loads of them. Thank you so much." I say hugging her quickly before she bolts back to her seat.

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