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(A/N: i'm starting to time jump because nothing happens up until when Mila comes.)

Taylor's Pov:

Three words for you. Uncomfortable. Frantic. Stress.

Those were the feelings engulfing me, Halloween was just approaching in a few weeks. Also, thanksgiving was coming up within the weeks after Mila is expected to be born. There was no way I could handle the stress of a new baby, and show up to a family holiday exhausted. 36 weeks pregnant and I could collapse most likely in this very spot. The final month, or so what I've heard, is complete hell. Which I expected nonetheless. But the quite hilarious, sad truth about that is- now it's hell for Harry also. He now has to put up with me complaining about every pain you could possibly ever feel, the un-ability to sleep with me or even sleep at all. Those moments when I'll either feel even too pregnant to eat, or would be able to have a 7 course meal. Nearly full term is exactly what it sounds like. Just this morning I told Harry I thought I was going to explode. He found it frightening and 'not funny'. But hey, I'm allowed to mess with him. He's more on edge than I am, which is adorable. But still, I make jokes like that everyday. Like yesterday, I told him my water broke because I spilled water on myself. He nearly had an anxiety attack which I felt bad for, but it was really funny.

"Hey Haz." I call from my sitting position in the kitchen. I'd been checking business emails and writing emails and reading emails. I swore my brain was melting.

"Yeah babe?" He calls from the living room where he is on the phone with his mother about scheduling a flight here around my due date.

"Come here." I say bluntly and go back to reading emails. I hear his feet patter against the floor as he runs in.

"What's up?" He asks, sandwiching his phone between his shoulder and ear. His tattoos are exposed from his loose white t-shirt, paired with dark grey sweatpants. We've basically been accidentally dressing the same way. I wear his shirts now with sweatpants. So does he, It's cute.

"Do you wanna bake something?" I ask, pushing my glasses up my nose.

"Craving?" He questions.

"Yeah." I laugh and he leans against the island where I'm sitting.

"Hey mum, want to talk to Taylor?" Harry asks into the phone. He laughs slightly and hand me the phone.

"Hi Mrs Styles." I say as I begin to twist around on the seat.

"Hi darling, how are you feeling?" She asks, I can hear the smile in her voice.

"I'm alright, yourself?"

"Just doing some cleaning. How's my granddaughter?"

"She's good, moving around a lot. I'm so big, I'm surprised I haven't gone yet." I say simply as Harry quirks an eyebrow. I stick my tongue out at him and he playfully glares.

"Just a few more weeks, hopefully she wouldn't come without me."

"Well my doctor said she thinks I'll go over my due date. My brother and I were a week late so, it might be around thanksgiving. Hopefully not though, that'd be terrible timing."

"Whatever happens, happens." I nod.

"Well, I've best to get going. I have to help Gemma with something. Take care of yourself."

"I will, have a good day." I smile, looking back to Harry.

"You too." She says softly then hangs up. I hand the phone back to Harry and he walks over to the counter.

"So, what am I baking for you today Miss Taylor?" Harry says slightly smirking.

"Chocolate chip cookies, I have recipes in this drawer behind you."

"Okay, god you're so demanding." He glares and I pull a shocked face.

"Well, you're an idiot and I'm leaving." I say and gently get off the chair. I go to walk upstairs and Harry pulls me by the waist and kisses my cheek. We burst out laughing and I lean my back into his chest. I bring his hands up and put mine over them on my bump.

"Why can't you teach this kid to eat broccoli or something?" I whine. Harry laughs and pain fills my stomach. I brush it off and Harry notices I became quiet.

"You okay?" He says, leaning his head onto my shoulder.

"Yeah, just those pains again. You know, the practice ones?"

"Yeah, why don't you go lay down and I'll make you and Mila these cookies?" Hearing Harry say her name makes my heart want to explode. I nod and he leads me to the couch. I keep one hand positioned on my back because recently, that's where Mila is. Putting pressure apparently changes her position or something like that.

Many times as I'm drifting off to sleep, Harry runs in asking a question. He successfully made the cookies and brought them in on a plate. He drops down next to me and puts the plate onto the table. I place my head onto his lap and he starts playing with my hair.

"How're you doing babe?" He asks.

"I want her out Harry." I say softly.

"I do too." He says calmly. He rubs my temples lightly and keeps one hand on my back. I let sleep over come me as Harry flips through the channels.


Harry's Pov:

Taylor lays sprawled out on the couch with her head in my lap, her stomach nearly hanging off the couch. The funny thing is, she still looks amazing. It's only the stomach- nothing else. She's having trouble sleeping during the night now, keeping me awake. She'll poke my cheek or litter my neck with kisses. Then I'll wake up and she'll have this look on her face, the look you get before a test. Her face looks flushed, and she whines a lot. Which I don't mind. I normally just talk her to sleep. I'll ask her questions or we'll just speak what comes to mind. And within ten minutes, she falls asleep. I know that we wouldn't be so peaceful in the next months but, I still enjoy these moments.

(A/N: i updated! love you guys!! vote and comment (: )

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