Crash and Burn

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Taylor's Pov:

After our lunch it was time to try and absorb our only alone time together for the next month. I had still been feeling sick but pushed it off. I can be sick tomorrow.

"Babe I'm sorry, but I don't feel good. I wanted to spend time with you today. But I seriously feel like I'm going to puke on everything." I huff, throwing my purse onto the bed.

"That's fine. We can go sit in the bathroom." he says disappointed but adds a smile to the end. I nod and take off my dress and replace it with some sweatpants and a tank top.

We sit, huddled together on the bathroom floor for only twenty minutes until I get sick. Just continually getting sick. Constantly throwing up, leaving Harry disgusted.

"Can I have some water- my throat burns." I cough, still hanging over the toilet.

"Ye-yeah." I stutter and he stands up and leaves. I lean up against the wall and try to puzzle these things together. Bloating, tiredness, migraines, colds, vomiting. It's not a possibility, but it also is.

I couldn't possibly be pregnant. I went to my duffel bag and grabbed it. Dragging it into the bathroom. I rummaged through the pockets until I found it. The box I had kept in here just in case. If a friend needed it- or maybe I would need it. In this twist of events, I do need it.


Taylor's Pov:

Today was the day, the day I would have to tell Harry. And also Harry was leaving. I barely had slept during the night, and woke with sickness once again.

Harry drove up the curb and unbuckled.

"What's wrong? You haven't said a word the entire ride."

"It's nothing Harry." I whispered, staring ahead.

"Taylor, you're worrying me." he places his hand over mine. I continue to stare forwards. I wouldn't be able to say it if I look into his eyes.

"I'm pregnant." I gulp and he begins to laugh.

"You're kidding tay. Nice joke." he laughs but then stares back at me.

"I'm not kidding." I mumble. I turn to face him, tears threatening to pour out.

"You've got to be kidding me!" he shouts and slams his hands against the steering wheel.

"How could you be so stupid?" He shouts.

"Me? Me be stupid?! This is both our faults Harry!" This wasn't the reaction I wanted.

"You probable did this on purpose! Why Taylor why?!" He yells directly in my face.

"Don't even say that!" I'm fuming.

"Well it's all your fault Taylor!"

"No it's not Harry! If it's anyone's fault, it's yours!"

"I'm not the one who can get pregnant Taylor!"

"What do you think I'm supposed to do Harry?! Abort it? No I'm sorry but I can't do that!" I send my phone flying across the car into the backseat.

"Why can't you? Just abort it! And leave me out of your life!" he yells.

How did everything change so fast?

"You seriously think I wanted this to happen?" I yell back, tears streaming down my face. His expression softens.

"No I just-"

"Get out of my car." I stare at my lap, tears falling into my lap.


"No Harry. You spoke the truth, I thought you were different." I say staring him right in the eye, barely managing those words. He stares at me for a few seconds before retrieving his bags and walking through the airport doors. I slide over the seat to the front and wipe my face. My makeup smudges to reveal bloodshot eyes. I grip the wheel and drive away from the airport.

"Abigail, can you meet me at my place?" I breath into speaker phone, switching lanes.


"Harry and I got in a fight." I mumble and bite my lip.

"Okay I'll meet you there." I'm thankful for her, even though she doesn't know half the story.


"He what?" She asked as soon as I walked in the door. I smiled weakly and dropped my phone on the couch and collapsed myself into it.

"I told him something and he told me I was kidding and laughed. Then we started yelling and I told him to leave." I say, leaning against the pillows.

"Told him what?"

"That I'm pregnant." Abigail gasps and stares at me.

"Taylor, how though?"

"My birth control failed." I groaned.


"I know, I know. I'm stupid"

"What are you going to do now?"

"I don't know." I breath out and put my head into my hands.

"I'm here for you." She whispers and rubs my arm. I look up and hug her, not letting go for a while.

"What should I do?" I ask into her shoulder.

"Have the baby for sure-" she begins.

I laugh. "Abi you're kidding, I can't raise a baby!"

"You never know until you try." she beckons. I don't know how anything will work out. Harry or not, I may get through this.

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