Chapter 1: My mate is a cat?

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(Above is a picture of Lucy's cat form and just pretend that the back paws are both white and her cat's name is snow)
Lucy's POV

I don't know why but why do people always like to disturb me while I am sleeping?!

Let me tell you something...I was comfortably sleeping on a branch on a tree, man that branch was my fav branch...anyway, I was sleeping until I was woken up by this man who grabbed me and almost put me in a pet carrier... PET CARRIER!

Who did he think I am? Just some alley cat wondering around?! But I stopped thinking about that when the first guy said "I know that you are not a real cat and you are one of those werecats. Now come with us willingly or we might have to use force."

My cat took control since she was mad that they threaten us. She scratched their faces with her claw and wiggles around until she escaped and then she let me take over again.

When I took over, I ran as fast as my paws could.

I was running for a while and I look back and when I didn't see them, I climbed a tree and sat down on one of it's branches until I hear leaves shuffling in the distance.

I quickly get up and climbed down the branch and start running again. I saw that those guys had a device with them, it looks like a remote thing and has a radar on it's screen...wait nevermind.

It has some sort of arrow pointing towards me kinda like a compass and a little vacuum on the tip of the remote thing which I am guessing senses my scent/smell and I don't think that it was the wind behind me that they are tracking 'cuz if they were tracking the wind, they would be lost right now and don't ask why 'cuz it's too science-y for me to explain without getting confused.

I ran a little bit more and I saw this huge and beautiful mansion up ahead that I nearly stopped to look at it. I would stop but if I did, it'll give the 'hunters' some time to catch up to me and grab me.

I don't know why people are after me... I'm just a werecat.

Then I saw an open window on the top floor. I climbed using my awesome skills and got in the room which is actually a HUGE bedroom... Does a giant live here?!

The room had a king sized bed that looks like 4 people can sleep in. The colour of the room was dark blue and a hint of black. I think that whoever sleeps in this room was an emo. The furniture was polished perfectly and everything in this room looks expensive so I have to be careful.

I can't help it but to jump on the fluffy bed and make myself comfy. I looked at the end of the bed and saw a huge tv there. This room almost looks like a cinema more then a bedroom to me. This person must be super rich.

I was rolling around the covers and yes, still in my cat form. I waited and waited and waited but nobody came so I let my guard down until I accidentally fell asleep on the fluffy bed.

Then, I heard someone come into the room. I can't open my eyes cuz I am already half asleep. Oh no... I'm in trouble.

Jake's POV

Man, this meeting is boring af. I want to get back to my room but this boring meeting is in the way...

I didn't get enough sleep last night since I stayed up late 'cuz a rouge appeared and I still have a little bit of work left to do. Man, being an alpha is hard but it's worth it.

I want to sleep for a little bit then go and walk around for a mate search. I don't want anybody else to help me search 'cuz if they were a guy and he will touch her and you know how possessive and protective an alpha gets when he meets his mate.

How long has it been? It feels like I have been in this room for a day now even though only 1 hour passed. I yawned a lot and I have been trying to cover it up my either scratching my chin or pretend to cough.

Some time later... The meeting is finally over! Freedom! I was on my way to my room but my beta stopped me in my tracks.

"Jake, are you going to do your search party again this afternoon?" He said

"Yes, and you know that I don't want anyone to help me find her."

"Well, I don't want to help but my sister wants to help you search for her"

"Fine buy only let her come if I say so."

"No problem. Anyway, go back to you cave and rest you look like a zombie."

I was gonna say something but he beat me to it. "And don't worry about the pack, I will handle it. I will only come to you if it is an emergency."

"Alright but if one thing goes wrong, your head will be hanging."


I turned around and start making my way towards my room... Why did I choose to have my room on the top floor?!

Finally I made it in front of my room and I smelled a sweet smell coming from my room. It smells like strawberries and chocolate.

"Mate!" My wolf, ryder, said while waging his tail happily.

I quickly opened the door to see a beautiful girl but instead I saw! The cat was sleeping on my bed peacefully.

I am confused so I smelled the air and the source of this sweet scent was from this cat. Weird...

I walked closer to it and I pet the cat on the head.when I did, I felt sparks. And it was confirmed that this cat was my mate.

I still don't get why I have an animal as a mate. You can get a human mate but I got an animal mate?!

"Don't judge her idiot! She's still our mate!" I can feel that my wolf was glaring at me.

"Wait, how did you know that this is a her?" I told my wolf.

"Look at her butt idiot, she doesn't have those stuff that male cats have." Ryder replied to me as if I am a stupid person.

"Wait, you looked at her butt?! You're a pervert!" I said back trying to hold a laugh back.

"I'm not a pervert idiot! I am allowed to see since I am her mate and you are too." He said as if he was mocking me.


This is going to be fun...I hope.

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Remember! Reduce the salt in what you eat, or else your smile will not be sweet.

P.S. I will publish a new chapter every monday and I will publish my other book on wednesday. If you are living where I live then you will get it exactly on the day. But if I don't then maybe I have school work to do.

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