Chapter 5: A Runaway Mate

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Lucy's POV

I wiped away my tears and I closed my eyes. When I opened them I gasped 'cuz I just realized that it was a bad choice... He is now in front of me.

"Why are you crying,love?" He asked as he put his arms around my waist and I held my hands out and puts it on his chest just incase if I need to pull away.

"It's none of your business anyway. I bet that you are just trying to be sweet to make me fall into a trap you set up right? Well too bad 'cuz I won't." I said angrily. "Please tell me why are you crying and what you mean by setting a trap for you?" He asked with a confused face.

I was going to say something but the door bursts open. "Jake! We found some hunt- uhh... Am I interrupting something here?" The man asked awkwardly. He is looking up and down at me and I felt self conscious so I pushed the guy who's name is Jake away and jumped on one of the shelfs and crouched.

"How many times have I told you to knock before coming in?!" Jake asked angrily to the guy. He flinched a little but gathered enough courage to say " never mind that, how did you find a werecat anyway?!"

"What?" Jake asked him curiously. "Well, werecats are basically extinct creatures and my theory was proven right but somehow there is one crouched on the shelf. Werecats are very rare creatures now a days. How did you find her?" He asked as an amused expression was on his face.

"Extinct?! My kind was extinct?!" I asked and when I asked they looked at me weirdly. Don't judge! I don't even know that there are more people like me.

"Wait, how did you not know that werecats were already extincted? Didn't anyone from your litter not say something to you?" Jake asked.

"They didn't because I was...alone for 14 years." As soon as I said that, I realized that I just told them that I was alone and it'll probably make me easier to catch and I quickly covered my mouth with my hands but I already knew that they heard what I said.

"Alone for 14 years?! Why were you alone?" Jake asked as his eyes got darker. "I won't tell you or it'll be easier for you to catch me." I said as I watched them like a hawk. man, this is my new fav shelf now. It is high and I can see the whole room from up here.

"Sorry to interrupt...again but how did you catch a werecat?!" The man asked.

"I didn't catch her, mark! I went in my room and I saw her,in her cat form. If you asked me I think that she can't wait to get in the bed with me." Jake said teasingly.

I blushed. "I don't want to be in the same room as you idiot!" I don't know why but when I said this I felt a little bit hurt and I don't know if I imagined it but I saw his eyes flashed with hurt but quickly masked it. "I was running away from hunters and this was the only place that I can cover my scent with because they are tracking my scent!" I said, I realized I just spilled another information so I covered my mouth with my hand again.

"So that explains it!" Mark ,I guess was his name, said as if he just figured out a puzzle which I'm sure he did. "Explained what?" Jake asked.

"Uh well, before I interrupted you guys, I was about to tell you Jake, that we found 2 hunters roaming our territory."

I stiffed knowing that they followed me here and I know being here will get more people in danger if I don't escaped because at first I thought only Jake lived here but since Mark entered, I'm sure that there were others.

I looked at Jakes and saw that his eyes were black. I took that as a sight to escape and luckily, the window is just next to the shelf that I am crouched on and don't worry if I didn't break it, because a lot of people said that I am very light for my age. I jumped out of the window and shifted in midair.

I heard them calling my name but I didn't turn back instead, when I hit the ground I ran as fast as I can and disappeared into the forest.

Some time later, it was getting dark and I found a cave so I lied down and I slept.

Jake's POV
(When Lucy was still in the room)

When the door bursts open, I knew it was Mark that entered and my mate jumped away from my arms and onto a shelf near the window and let me tell you, them skills.

"Jake! We found some hunt- I interrupting something here?" He asked awkwardly. "How many times have I told you to knock before coming in?!" I saw him checking Lucy out and I held back a growl.

"Never mind that, how did you find a werecat anyway?!" He asked. "Why?" I asked back. "Well, werecats are basicaly extinct creatures for years now, I read a lot of books about how they will not appear again and well looks like the theory was wrong because here you are hugging a werecat, WAS hugging a werecat." He stated.

"I was suppose to be extinct?!" She said shockingly. "Wait, how why do you not know about this? Didn't your litter suppose to tell you too?" I said. It was weird that she didn't know. Maybe her litter didn't want to scare her.

"They didn't because... I was alone for 14 years." She stated and she looked like she was about to cry again. "Alone for 14 years?! Why were you alone?!" I said as she covered her tiny lips with her hands, how I wished I was her hands...

"That's creepy dude." Ryder said.

"At least I don't make someone blush just for the fun of it and I know you agreed but you didn't want to admit it." I stated like a matter-of-factly.

"I won't tell you or else it'll be easier for you to catch me."she said. I don't understand why she thought that we would catch her. Even if I did catch her, what would I do with her....apart from the whole mate thing(if you know what I mean but I won't force her because she is already mine.)

"Sorry to interrupt...again but how did you manage to catch a werecat?" That idiot asked again. I think I will call him idiot from now on because he has a problem of not reading the situation properly.

"I didn't catch her Mark! I went in my room and then I saw her in her cat form sleeping on my bed but I guess that she can't wait to get in bed with me." I stated teasingly and let me tell you how red her blush is. It is redder then the colour red.

"Her blush is adorable... Please make her blush more." The jerk said.

"I don't want to be in the same room as you idiot!" She said and it hurt me but I quickly masked it. "I was running away from hunters and this place was the only place that can cover my scent because they were tracking my scent!"

I was seeing red when she said that hunters were after her."don't worry dude, you're not the only one. Once we find them, we will teach them a lesson for hunting down our princess." Ryder said with determination.

"All I know is that we have to protect her from those guys and who knows how many more of them are still out there."

"Agreed and besides, why won't she stay with us I mean, we are both attractive." And the jerk smirked.

"No 'cuz I'm pretty sure that girls prefer to you as a 'cute,fluffy and cuddly' wolf rather than an attractive man." Now it's my turn to smirk.

"Whatever, since I am 'cute,fluffy and cuddly' I am sure princess will love me more. HAHAHAHA!" The 'big' jerk laughed as I did a face palm but to my wolf, not literally or else they will think that I am weird.

I was caught off guard talking to my wolf until Mark started to shake me and said "Jake! Get back to your senses! The werecat ran away!"


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Remember! Reduce the salt in what you eat, or else your smile will not be sweet.

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