Chapter 9: Going For A Run

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Lucy's POV🐱

It's been a week already and I am starting to doubt that Jake is a hunter. Jake is the opposite of a hunter because he is sweet and caring to me.

When I ask for something, he will bring it to me less then 1 minute which is sweet. I also feel bad for accusing him of being a hunter... I suddenly have an idea how to make it up to him and no, I won't kiss him, sorry to disappoint.

He said that if I needed something, I should go to his office and I sure am glad that I know the way there.

I knocked and a calming voice said 'come in'.

"Hey kitten!" His face lit up as he saw me enter.

"Umm... Can I make a request?" I asked shyly.

"Sure, anything you want princess."

"Since I feel bad for you always doing what I want, today I want to do what you want to do."

"But I don't have anything else to do other then siting in this office." He lied. I know if a person lies cuz I have hidden talents.

"No. Today you don't have to be cooped up in this office and you will do what you want to do... Besides work." I said and I hope that he gets the hint that I don't want anymore room for excuses because I can see very well that he wants to do something.

He sighed " Alright, since I have been siting here for a long time... How about going for a run in the woods?"


"Sure!" I have been trapped in this house for a week and some fresh air will do me good.

"Great! Let's go right now." He said and he grabs my wrist and pulled it gently as we made our way outside.


We are in the woods and Jake hid behind a tree and start to take off his clothing so he can shift but me on the other... Paw, don't have to worry about it since I am a cat so when I shift, I can drown in my clothes since they are too big.

I shifted and I waited for 10 seconds and he started to shift. A brown almost ginger coloured wolf comes out behind the tree and start to walk towards me.

I reached his knees in my cat form. He was about to rub his giant wolf head on my neck but I quickly ran away from him. I don't have to look back to know that he is following me because I can hear his paws tapping on the ground.

He was about to tackle me to the ground but I dodged just in time and he gave me wolfy grin which I find funny.

We continued to run and he continued to chase me, I was tired at this point so I slowed down. I was too tired that I didn't notice that when I slowed down, it means that he can catch me easily.

He tackled me down and I don't know why but Snow shifted back to my human form and so did Jake.

I remembered that when I shifted back, I will be naked so I blushed and when I looked at our position, Jake hovering over me, I blushed deeper.

He smirked and he lowered himself to kiss my...

Forehead. I won't let him just kiss me that easily, he would have to do more then that to earn a kiss from me. But I bet that you fangirl or fanboy readers are disappointed right now and I'm sorry but I can't help but to play a little joke.

And that kiss made me blush deeper... I'm pretty sure that I look like a tomato but a super red tomato and my face was heating up.

I think that he found this funny cuz he chuckled and he showed me his billionaire smile which made me even blush more.

Don't get annoyed the I blush easily because this is the closest I have gotten to a boy and if you're wondering, I scratched all the male cats who wants to mate with me and I used little magic on when I scratch them, it would leave a scratch mark forever. I am indeed evil...

"Let's go inside now love." He said as he got up. I quickly grabbed my clothes which I teleported to me using my magic since my mouth is too tiny to carry them unlike Jake over there.

I quickly got dressed and walked back to the house. We encountered some of the patrol team in the forest which I'm sure are doing their duties.

When we got inside it was already 4:30 p.m. and Jake said that he will order pizza... I don't know what that is.

"Jake, can I ask you a question?" I ask as he is pouring some water in his cup.

"Sure." He said and now he is drinking from it.

"What's a pizza?" When I asked him, I think you know what happened to him... He chocked.

"What?" He said in between coughs.

"What's a pizza?"

"You know what dim sum is but you don't know what a pizza is kitten?" He stated with an amused look on his face that made me want to claw at it. I know I'm evil.

"I'm going to ask Alice instead, jerk."

He said sorry to me and he explained what a pizza is and to be honest, from the information that the jerk gave me, I think that this pizza will taste good... I can only hope.


The pizza guy came and Jake payed for it. He put the pizza box on the kitchen counter and opened the box.

When he opened the box, the smell of pizza slapped my nostril... Which actually smelled good.

"Here." Jake handed me one slice and I took a tiny bite of it and it tasted like...glory. The toppings,cheese,sauce and the bread tasted good together and I can't help to but to eat another slice.

Jake's POV🐾

Glad that she likes pizza and he is on her third slice while I'm still on my first.

I was about to get the second slice when Mark mind-linked me.

"Jake, some of the warriors found two hunters but they only managed to catch one. we already have hi in the dungeon."

"Alright. Be right there."

"Kitten, I need to do some work. I am going to get Alice too and you guys can watch a movie or something but stay in my room alright?" I asked.

"Alright." She said and smiled shyly with her big emerald-hazel eyes looking at me.

"I need to mark her right now! I can't stand it with her being so adorable and other males will think that she isn't taken." Ryder whined

"Calm down Ryder! We can't. Not until she asks us to do it anyway. We have to take this at her pace, we can't scare her!"

I smiled back and left kitten but before I mind-linked Alice to keep her compony.

I went to the dungeon where the hunter is located.Time to work.

This chapter is dedicated to
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Remember! Reduce the salt in what you eat, or else your smile will not be sweet.

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