Chapter 16: No War With Shopping...Whew

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(The anime redhead above is lucy and the cat she's holding is white...just imagine... I know it's blurry but just move you phone away from you face and you can see it clearly)

Lucy's POV🐱

I woke up 4 days ago and I have been writing on this whiteboard to comunucate with people and it is really fun, he also got me a blue marker which is my fav colour.

The doctor said that I can use my voice tomorrow and I can use a little today but I am not a risk taker so I just used it for short sentences.

Jake also said that he postponed the dinner until next month or whenever I get to use my voice clearly without hurting again.

He is laying beside me on the bed in his room. his arms are circled around my waist tightly but not too tight and he lays his head on my chest and our legs are tangled together while my hands are playing with his hair. We're pretty much cuddling while watching lion king at night.

I never watched this movie before and right now I'm at the part where Timun, Pumba and Simba are singing in the jungle which I don't know the title of the song but they kept on saying 'hakuna matata' so I'm assuming that's the title.

"Can't we watch something else?" Jake whined.

"No, you said that I can pick what ever movie I want. The only condition is that you get to cuddle with me." I wrote on the whiteboard.

"But can't you pick something else like an action movie." Jake said.

I gave him a look that says 'I dare you to change the movie' and he immediately stopped whining and attacked my neck with kisses. He kissed a spot that made me bit my lip as to not let a moan out.

I can't focus on the movie with him nibbling and leaving soft kisses on that spot on my neck. He suddenly bites it but not too hard to leave a hickey and I accidentally let out a moan. I could feel him smirk against my skin.

I looked at him and his eyes are black with lust. He continued kissing the spot and moved downwards to kiss the exposed skin around my collarbone.

I don't know why but my body moved on its own and moved my head back to give him better access. I would be lying if I said that what he's doing didn't feel good.

Wherever spot on my neck he kissed previously left a burning trail behind. I just realized that I'm wearing a loose neck which means that the skin around my breast is showing a little.

He got up and hovered on top of me and continued to kiss downwards and took advantage of the exposed skin as he attacked that place with kisses roughly but rough enough to just leave hickeys.

I moaned a little louder and I felt him putting his hand on my sides beneath my shirt. He moves upwards and finally kissed me on the lips.

His tongue entered my mouth and he starts to massage my tongue in a motion that made me moan into his mouth. I was sure that I am now a tomato.

He deepened the kiss and after a while, I pulled away breathless like I've just ran a marathon but Jake looks out of breath after dancing. What a big difference.

"Let's sleep" Jake's deep and Husky voice said. That voice always makes me weak at the knees. Now I'm glad that I'm laying down or else he might need to catch me when I fall.

I nodded and turned off the tv. I'll get back to watching lion king tomorrow. He got off me and laid beside me like before he began the kissing torture.

He put his strong arms around my tiny waist and put his head in my hair. "Good night kitten." He said.

"Good night." I replied.

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