Chapter 3: Lucy's Family

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Lucy's POV

I want to get rid of my powers so nobody will get hurt because of me. But I guess I can't. This power is both a curse and a gift. I still didn't want it even if it was mean't to be a gift because...

(When Lucy is just five-years old.)

I was super happy because my family are going to have a picnic in a flower field near a beautiful waterfall. That place was my daddy's territory.

Daddy was a werewolf but mommy was a human. If one have a werewolf and human was together, their first child will be gifted with some special powers. I was their first child and I have cat powers and some random powers.

Mommy said to not use my powers while other people was around. I was thinking of making a flower crown for mommy and how I would make it but mommy stopped me from thinking when she said "Lucy, are you ready to go?"

"Yes mommy! Come on let's go! I can't wait!" I replied. "Wait honey, your sister is in the bathroom. When she gets out then we can go."

Oh and I forgot to mention, I have a little sister. I am 5 years old while she is 4 years old. Her name is Lily. She doesn't have powers like me. She is a half werewolf and half human. Even though that is a little weird, I still love her and sadly we are not twins.

Some time later, daddy was driving to the waterfall and me and Lily kept singing and kept saying 'are we there yet?'. Sometimes my sister and I would play together quietly because we brought our toys because we knew the ride was boring.

We arrived and I couldn't be happier because this place is so pretty and it belongs to us. Mommy and daddy prepared the picnic stuff while me and Lily chased each other around.

"Can you turn to me please Lucy, I want to run also." My cat, Snow, told me.

I ran to mommy and asked "mommy, can I turn into a cat here please? Snow wants to run around."

Mommy looked at daddy as daddy nods and mommy said "Sure but don't run too far."

"Ok mommy." And after that I turn into my cat form and let Snow take control of me. We were running in the grass, jumping and meowing happily.

"Lucy, Lily come here. Let's eat first, then we will play!" Mommy said to us and we had a race who arrived first. And I won so I get to eat all the cupcakes!

While I was eating the cupcakes, I feel sad for Lily so I gave her some cupcakes and gave mommy and daddy some too.

When we finished eating, I played around in the field with Lily and I saw some beautiful flowers. I ran to mommy and said "mommy I am going to that flower place."

"Alright but when I call you, you have to come right away alright?" Mommy said. Mommy was always scared if I get taken because mommy said that I am special and she said that if a bad guy caught me, I need to call her or daddy.

"Alright!" As soon as I said that, I ran towards the flowers and started to make a flower crown for mommy and Lily. I was about to finish making mommy's crown when I heard Lily shout but it was not a happy shout, it was a scared shout.

I quickly ran to where mommy,daddy and Lily were and I gasped. There were 5 wolves which I am guessing were werewolves and a human which I am sure was a werewolf too but in human form. I can see a brown werewolf growling back at the 5 werewolves and I know that brown wolf is daddy.

When I gasped, the man looked at me and smirked evilly. "Well well, look what we have here. A werecat huh?" That guy said and he looked at my tail and ears and yes I was still in my human form. "A white werecat? Now that is rare. Catch her!" The bad guy demanded.

"Lucy run!" Mommy shouted at me with a worried look on her face. I don't want to run because daddy can't protect Lily and mommy alone so I decided to use my powers.

I ran as fast as I can to mommy. And when I reached mommy she said "what are you doing Lucy?! Go and run before they catch you!". "No mommy, I don't want to leave because if I leave, daddy will get hurt again and I don't want that to happen. I also need to protect you and Lily and also daddy. So I won't run away this time." I said bravely even though deep down I was scared.

"What a brave girl you are little one. Come to uncle and your mommy, daddy and your little sister will be safe." He said as he opened his arms as if I would run between them and give a bear hug. I only give my bear hug to my family, not to bad guys.

"You're not my uncle! You're a bad guy! And bad guys always lose to the good guys and I am the good guy so go away and leave me and my family alone!" I shouted at him.

"Go." He said and all 5 wolves ran up to us and started growling and biting daddy. "Daddy!" I shouted and I ran to him.

"Let go of him right now!!" As soon as I said that. The 5 wolves got thrown away, 2 wolves hit some big rocks while the other 3 hit thick tress. Only the bad guy left. "Why you little brat!" He then turned into a wolf and his wolf was bigger then the other 5 and a little bigger then daddy but I know daddy won't run away because daddy is brave.

The bad wolf ran towards me and I wasn't prepared so wolf-daddy defended me and wolf-daddy got hurt. I sensed some more wolves behind the trees and I quickly stood in front of mommy and Lily. "Go away bad wolves! Find another place to have your picnic. This is daddy's place so you can't take it."

"What are you talking about Lucy? There are no wolves there." Mommy said. "No mommy, there are a lot of them in there and they are hiding from us." I said and I felt more wolves. "Oh no." I said worriedly.

"What is it sweetheart?" Mommy asked. "We can't get out. There are a lot of wolves here mommy. There are behind us, in front of us, beside us. We are trapped." I started to shake with fear but I won't let that get me down.

Mommy was trying to comfort me. I looked behind her and saw wolf-daddy laying down on the grass weakly so I ran towards wolf-daddy. "Daddy? Please wake up!" I said as I started to shake him and he opened his eyes and trying to get up but fell back down every time.

Suddenly all the wolves around us started attacking us and I had no choice but to turn into Snow.

I jumped and slid easily and while I did it, I scratched them using my sharp claws. Some of them whimpered in pain because I don't if it's true but I scratched a wolf on the eye.

I landed back down and suddenly I fainted with the feeling of somebody hit me.

Sorry but I had to make a cliffhanger. But don't get your hopes down and 'hang' in there. (Get the pun? No? Ok then...)
How Lucy's family died will be in the next chapter but I'm pretty sure that you guys could probably guess it already.

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Remember! Reduce the salt in what you eat, or else you smile will not be sweet.

P.S. I am going to update this story twice a week meaning I will update this on monday and friday soo hope you guys will be satisfied.

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