Chapter 4: Lucy's Family pt.2

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Lucy's POV

I woke up and I looked around and saw my family. Mommy's , daddy's and Lily's arms and legs are chained to the wall like me.

I tried to move and I tried to use my powers. I tried to move around but no use. Somehow these chains were blocking my powers.

"Mommy! Daddy! Lily! Wake up please!" I said pleadingly but they didn't wake up. I was starting to cry because I was scared and I looked down but a voice made it stop. "L-Lucy? Are you alright?" Daddy said tiredly. I saw his condition and I gasped, he has a lot of cuts and blood splattered everywhere on his skin and clothes. His face looks pale from the loss of blood and his shirt and pants are ripped from the bites.

"Daddy? What happened? And why can't I use my powers?" I asked him worriedly. "I know you are scared and worried right now but I know that you know that we will get out of this alive because my little girl is brave so show me your best brave face." He explains calmly and happily.

I gave him my best brave face and he laughed a little and I joined. "Lucy? Adam?Lily?" When mommy spoke, daddy's eyes shone with happiness. "Mommy!" I exclaimed happily. "We're fine love but Lily is still unconscious." Daddy said to mommy with a worried look on his face.

"I'm glad that you guys are alright. Lucy, what you did was the bravest thing I saw you doing. You look like you don't fear them or anything and you fought them gracefully. I am very proud of you." She said with a wide smile on her face.

"Thank you mommy! But, Lily is still sleeping and we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me."

"Don't say that. We are glad you didn't give yourself away but I have to tell you something."

"What is it mommy?"

"Don't let a bad guy or a hunter catch you and don't turn yourself in. Don't give them what they want. Promise me that you will not give your powers to bad guys but give it to good guys. Alright?"

"I promise mommy, I won't let you down."

"I believe you sweetheart."

"Mommy? Lucy?" Lily said as she fluttered her eyes open. "Lily! You're awake!" I said with a hint of relief in my voice. "What happened?" She asked curiously.

"I don't know but I do know that we have to get out if here." Mommy said. "Lucy?"


"Can you use your powers?"

"I can't. Something is stopping me from using it and turning to Snow." I said and daddy chuckled.

I looked at him confusingly and I guess he spot me and gave me the answer. "Lucy, it is called shifting when you want to turn into a cat, not turning." He said with amusement written all over his face.

"But I will try to use my powers and hopefully 'shift' into Snow." I closed my eyes and focused on the chains. A purple aura formed around me as I focused on the chains trying to get it off me. I was sweating and panting but I don't want to show that to my family because I don't want them to worry.

After a couple of minutes I finally got to break the chains with my powers and I can feel Snow again. "Good job Lucy!" Mommy said proudly.

"I will get you guys out." I focused on my daddy's chains since he is stronger then me so I have to let him out first then I will help mommy and Lily get out.

Daddy's chains were almost broken but when the door bursts open, it made me lose my focus. I gasped as I saw the same man who attacked daddy and I noticed that he has claw marks on his right eye. I guess it was this bad guy I scratched.

"Trying to escape? Too bad you won't get far." The bad guy smirked evilly. "Lucy run and get out of this building!" Mommy said to me hurriedly. "But I don't want to leave you guys."

"We will be fine Lucy, I promise." Mommy said gently. "Just go and leave us please."

"I can't mommy! Please don't make me leave you guys." I said as a tear escaped my eye.

"Lucy just go already! Before the bad guys catch you!" Daddy voice boomed and I got scared. "Alright but promise that you guys will get out too."

"We will sweetheart, don't worry.". "I will remember that promise.". "And don't forget about the promise you made to me. And I repeat don't no matter what."

"I won't forget it mommy." I said and I looked at the door way but the bad guy is covering it preventing me from getting out. "Come here kitty, I don't bite."

"Never!" I shifted to Snow and I let Snow take control. She slid below the bad guy with the claw mark on his right eye and ran trying to find the exit.

We turned into a corner and saw a bag guy holding a... I don't know what it's called but I saw people in movies use it to shoot someone. Snow looked behind us and there was a kitchen there.

She ran to the kitchen and hides behind the fridge which is next to the counter next to the stove.

The bad guy shots the fridge and we jumped out and landed on the counter. The bad guy shot the counter again but missed and we landed on the stove. He shot and it hit the stove and it made like gas leaking sound.

Snow took that as a sign to leave and she ran as quickly as possible. When we found the door leading to outside. We hurriedly ran there as we dodged all the bad guys.

We got out and ran for a little longer and Snow let me toke control again. I kept running and I stopped when I hear something exploded. I shifted back to my human form and looked back and my eyes became a waterfall.

I looked at the exploded building that I was in and I cried when I remembered about my family."MOMMY!!!DADDY!!!LILY!!!" I said as I dropped down on my knees and I cried even more and I sobbed louder.

Some time passed and I was still sobbing and I looked at the now exploded building before turning around and walking away. The hunters will pay for killing my family... I will make them regret it. And don't worry Mommy, I will keep my promise to not give anyone my powers and I promised myself to not use my powers ever again unless it was an emergency.

I hate having powers...

Tadaa here's your cliffhanger ending so please don't kill me. This chapter is sad and poor Lucy.

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Remember! Reduce the salt in what you eat, or else your smile will not be sweet.

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