Chapter 14: Case Solved

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Amber's POV🐺

We are hiding behind a door right now and by we I mean Alice and I. We are just chilling here...behind Jake's office know, normal detective stuff and yes, we are still trying to figure it out.

I heard Mark's, Kyle's, Lucy's and let's not forget, Jake's voice talking in there. All they are talking about is to increase the security around the here. But why?

"Amber, It's almost afternoon and I haven't eaten lunch yet. My stomach can't handle it and it keeps on growling for food!" Alice whined.

"Shh!! Be quiet or else they will hear us and if we are caught red handed, you're to blame for this."

"Blame me?! You're the one that dragged me into this plan."

"I did but I did give you a choice to either follow me or get left behind. You're the one that chose to follow me."

"Whatever, I'm hungryyy so let's eaaattt." Alice is seriously whining like a kid who passed a candy shop, tugging on the mother's hand to go into the candy shop while the mother thinks of an excuse to give to the kid.

"I told you to eat a lot of breakfast 'cuz we are not going to eat again until dinner."

"I need to eat on time or else my sto-" Alice was gratefully cut off by some giggles and the sounds of running footsteps.

Two girls appeared around the corner with something in their hands and I recognized who it is.

"Hailey! Bailey! When did you guys get back from camp?" I asked.

"A while ago. We wanted to show these bugs that we caught to Jake and Lucy." Hailey said.

(Fyi, the twins caught another set of bugs and not when Lucy is in her cat form, jumping in Jake's office.)

"Why do you guys have your ears pressed to the door of Jake's office and wearing those silly costumes?" Bailey asked.

"Don't tell me that you're eavesdropping!" The twins shouted and I quickly covered their mouths with my hands.

"Don't shout!" I said. I grabbed their forearms gently and dragged them into my room.

"Is there a reason why you dragged us here?" Hailey asked.

"We are being detectives right now and we want to figure out something that Mark, Kyle, Jake and Lucy are hiding from us and possibly the pack." Alice said.

"They are hiding something? About what? About who? About where? About when? About how?" Hailey asked.

"Lucy is hiding something and those three guys are helping her cover it, even Alice's mate! So we want to figure out what Lucy is hiding and we have some pretty good clues." I said.

"What are the clues?" Bailey asked. I se that they're interested to know like we are.

"It's looks like Lucy has some kind of magic and she is hiding something using her magic and it is making her tired. We think that Lucy is witch, a vampire or even impossible, the legendary werecats." I said.

The twins looked at each other and looked back at us. "How can you guys not know?" Hailey asked.

"Amber and Alice are both high ranking members too right? Did they not tell them?" Bailey asked.

"Yeah...but why didn't they tell them?" Hailey asked back.

By now, Alice and I are completely confused. "Wait, you guys know about this?" Alice asked.

"Umm, yeah." Bailey said.

"So...what creature is Lucy?" I asked curiously. I will literally scream if she is the werecat since I have every book regarding their kind and I am a big fangirl if I do manage to come across one but I think that it's impossible because they've been extinct for thousands of years now.

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