Chapter 8: Mine

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Lucy's POV🐱

I can feel the heat of the sun entering the room. I got up to sit but there seems to be a rock named Jake sleeping on top of me with his hands around my waist like I am a bolster and I can't breath since he is super heavy!

I think he's heavy because he's fat...

"Jake." I started to shake his shoulder but he didn't even move.

"Jake!" I said a little louder, still shaking his shoulder, he just groans in reply and snuggled closer to me and his head was on my brèasts. I blushed like crazy when he dipped his head further into them.

"JAKE!!" I practically shouted and he immediately put his weight on his hands as he hovers over me and scanning around the room for any signs of danger.

I took a deep breath again. Finally I am free to breath! He looks at me confused.

"Why is your face red?" He said. I swear that he is as clueless as a 3 year old boy. I was still blushing... I did tell you that I blush easily!

He looked at our position and smirked. "I don't know why you are embarrassed but I love being in this position." He said while winking and I blushed a darker shade of blood. My face feels like its on fire.

"G-get of me jerk!" I said as I closed my eyes and pushed him but I didn't realized that I pushed him using my magic until his back hit the wall roughly.

I gasped and I quickly ran over to him and put his face between my hands. "Jake, are you okay?!"

He didn't respond so I started to get really worried and tears was starting to form in my eye. I don't know why I am crying... stupid mate bond.

"Jake, Jake! Please wake up!" The tears started to come out.

I didn't mean to do it. It was an accident. Please don't go away.

My thoughts are getting crowded with questions but stopped when I saw him lifting his face up and his eyes went wide as he saw my red, puffy, tear-stained face.

He grabbed my waist and turned me around so my back was facing him (like the pic above) and he nuzzled his head on my neck.

"Sorry if I worried you, kitten." He said and I shivered when his lips were moving against my neck and he was grazing over my sweet spot.

I could feel his smirk against my skin as he knew the effect he had on me and he took it as a sign to kiss me on my neck which is on my sweet spot, I bit my lip to not let a moan come out.

"Mine." I heard him mumble which brought me back to my sense as to not let my guard down easily so I quickly got out of his hold and hissed at him... I did tell you I was a werecat.

His eyes changed to a shade of black and I know that this was bad news aka his wolf took over... probably mad that I walked away from him.

He growled but his features soften as he sensed my fear, I think anyone can notice if I am afraid 'cuz my ears will be folded back and my tail lowered.

"I'm sorry, Lucy. I scared you didn't I?" He asked and I nodded slightly.

Jake's POV🐾

When she nodded, I felt heart-broken that I was the one who scared my own mate. I should learn to get better control or I'm afraid I would lose her.

"I don't know why but when her ears folded back, I find it adorable." And once again, the jerk returns.

"It's your fault that she got scared of us. You need to learn that I am the one that needs to have more control when we are with her so that you don't 'accidentally' scare her away." I said as a matter-of-fact.

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