Chapter 2: The cat is a werecat?

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(Imagine the girl above has emerald green eyes and white cat ears and tail. that is what Lucy looks like in human form.)
Jake's POV

Uh, well this is exciting. I have been waiting here for her to wake up and she just moves around but doesn't wake up.

I can tell that she is awake 'cuz her breathing and heartbeat changed. So maybe I'll say something to this kitty.

"Hey, I know you're awake. Just open your eyes, it's pointless to hide if I found you already." I said as she fluttered her eyes open.

And let me tell you that her eyes are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. Her eyes are emerald green with a hint of yellow around it. Man, I can lose my train of thoughts just by looking at those eyes.

"So... What's your name? I know that you're a cat and you can't talk but I'm just going to ask anyway." I said and she just looked at me.

She sat on my bed and stood up. I noticed that her fur is pure white but has a black left paw. I looks like a boot. I don't know why but it looks cute to only have one black paw and I think that colour pattern is rare.

I was super happy that my mate is a rare one but I still don't know why I got a cat instead of a human or a she-wolf.

Her bones started to crack and she was... Shifting?! And after that appeared a ..naked girl in front of me.

I looked at her as she tried to cover herself with the comforter. But something caught my eye when she shifted 'cuz now I know that my mate is actually a werecat.

In her human form, her cat ears and tail remained which is cute if you ask me.

" of course it's cute idiot. She's our mate." Ryder said to me as if I am stupid.

" Uh, back to my question, what's your name?" I ask her.

"Um well, my name is... L-Lucy." She said. Man, I could hear her silk and soft voice everyday without getting bored.

"Hey the L-Lucy, why does your name has two Ls?" I ask 'cuz it's weird if someone's name is L-Lucy sort of like L-Lily.

"It's just Lucy idiot!" She said while her fur on her tail perked up a bit. She looks adorable and I can't help it but to tease her. "Why are you covering yourself? I am going to see it one of these days."

She blushed tomato red and a chuckled at it. "I love seeing her blush. Make her blush even more!" Ryder encouraged me. And if you ask me, Ryder is considered a jerk by girls when he takes over. His attitude is kinda like a player I guess.

"S-shut up." She said... This is getting really awkward so I just simply starred at her.

"What are you st-starring at?" She stuttered and I can't help but say " Well, I'm just looking at the most beautiful girl who is my mate and she is also naked on my bed with only a comforter on her and might I add that she looks cute with her cat ears and tail."

She blushed redder then blood if that's possible. "Wait. Mate? What's a mate?" She asked me with her left cat ear is a little crooked to the side making it look like one of her ear is straight and the other is sideways. And also, her head is titled a little to the left.

"Do you know what I am?" I asked.

"Not really but you know what I am."

"Well, better start getting comfy since I am going to explain everything there is to know about me."

Lucy's POV

Mates? What are mates? Is mate something important? I am confused and I don't know why but his scent somehow calm me and makes me feel safe. Weird...

"What do you want to know first?" He asked. "Well... What are you?" I replied.

"Well, you are a werecat and you can shift into a cat right?" He said and I send him a nod. "Well, I am like that but I am a werewolf. I shift into a wolf."

"You are a werewolf and you shift into a wolf? When you shift into human, why do you not have your wolf ears and tail?"

"Well, we werewolves don't but I am sure werecats do. Anyway what else do you want to know about?"

"You said something about mates right? What are those?"

"A mate is your other half. Werewolves have mates and once they find their mates, they don't want to be apart from them. All they want to do when they found their mates is they want to protect them and take care of them. Those who have found mates become very protective and possessive of them especially the Alpha." He explained with a hint of happiness in his eyes.

"Alpha? What is that?"

"In packs there are ranks. First, the Alpha is the leader of the pack. Then, there is a Beta. A Beta is the second in command. After that there is the Gamma, the third in command. Lastly, there is the Luna. The Luna is the Alpha female who also leads a pack. A Luna is an Alpha's mate. I am an Alpha and you are my mate which means you are their Luna." He says proudly.

"You're an Alpha? Which means that you are the leader of a pack? And I am a Luna... Also a leader but a female leader of a pack." I said but I read somewhere in a book that if you become a mate to a high ranked werwolf then you have to live with your mate... He is probably like the other ones who wants to capture me...I won't get myself tricked by this guy and I will avenge my parents.

"Correct! Wow, I didn't imagine that you would take all this information easily. Guess I was wrong." He said with a relief sigh.

"Yeah right, like I would believe that." I scoffed.

"What?" He said as he is confused. The werewolf thing is probably a trick to use me. I will have to get away from here when I get the chance.

"You are just like one of them aren't you? The ones that wants to use my powers for their pleasure. Want to use my powers for fun." I said angrily.

"I don't understand. What are you talking about?" His eyes are now a darker blue.

"I won't believe you no matter what. I won't be tricked. You want to lure me just to use my powers and if I deny you will kill me or hurt me. You are no different then those hunters." I said as a tear left my eye 'cuz I remembered about my parents.

(I will give the Lucy's flash back in the next chapter.)

"Hunters?! Hurt you? Someone has hurt you before?! Who was it?" His eyes are slowly turning black. He start to walk towards me but I stopped him by taking the covers off me and don't worry I am fully clothed now. Weird? Well, maybe I didn't mention this but I have special powers which I have no intention of using.

I hate my powers and wished I don't have this power. If I don't have this power in the first place then, my family would still be here with me...

I know this is a bit confusing since I didn't mention in the description but just bear with me.

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Remember! Reduce the salt in what you eat, or else you smile will not be sweet!

P.S. I published this early and I published this on today aka saturday 25.3.2017 aka my birthday so think of this as my birthday present to me...I am a loner... Just kidding! I will also publish a new chapter on monday. This chapter is a bonus chapter.

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