Chapter 18: Another One?!

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(No Dj Khaled (I hope that's right but it's not then I'm sorry to his fans) pun intended)
Lucy's POV🐱

I watched at Kent's retreating figure and then suddenly something jumped on my lap. I looked down and saw Yuko looking at me with his tongue sticking out a little bit.

Just incase you're curious, Yuko is 3 months old. A tiny kitten but with such rich and fluffy fur. I still want to know where is his mother or did he get separated from his mother.

There's another theory but it's dark so I don't want to say it.

I smiled as I picked him up and cradles him in my arms. I was petting and I saw Jake scowling at the kitten whose being cradled like a baby in my arms while purring.

I think he's jealous though. I picked Yuko up from my arms and kissed him on his forehead causing Jake's scowl deeper and I saw him frowning a little bit.

My wolf is jelly huh? That just adds to my fun. I purposely show more affection on Yuko while secretly enjoying Jake's jelly reaction.

I told you I'm evil. He he he~

Jake suddenly got up from his chair, walked over to me and picked Yuko up from my arms. As he was putting Yuko down, he also said "Attention time over. Go back in your jail."

But being Yuko, he just sits there while looking up at Jake with puppy eyes but in this case, kitty eyes. Yuko looked so adorable that I can't help but to pick him up again.

Jake wanted to grab Yuko again but I dodged just in time. "He's just a kitten Jake. He needs some attention." I said to Jake.

"No he doesn't. There are a lot of his toys scattered around. Just throw one and I'm sure he'll catch it." He said while still scowling at Yuko.

It's time to pull in my teasing skills.

"Is the big bad scary Alpha jealous of a 3 months old kitten?" I teased while smirking. I could've sworn I saw a tint of pink appear on his cheek for a second before saying "whatever."

He walks out of the kitchen while frowning. I took that as a cue for me to comfort him.

I quickly put Yuko down and followed Jake whom still has this frown attached to his handsome face.

I hugged him from behind and I felt his muscles tense and then relaxed slightly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to tease you. You look so adorable though when you were jealous over a cat." I said.

He turned around and wraps his strong arms around my small waist. "Since you did that, you need to do something for me in return." He said.

"What is it?" I asked. He answered me by tapping his finger on his lips twice indicating that he wants a kiss.

I roll my eyes in a playful way but obliged by pecking him and it seems that he has other plans when his hand goes behind my head and grabs a fist full of my hair and deepened the kiss.

I moaned when he gently bites my lower lip before licking it, demanding entrance. I parted my mouth and he quickly does his magic using his tongue which earned another moan.

By now I am sure that my face is deep red. I pulled back to get some air but instead he kisses down my jawline, towards my neck.

He kissed a certain spot which made me moan louder than the previous and I blushed a deeper red than before. I can feel him smirk against my neck as he continued nibbling and sucking on that spot.

I'm sure he was putting some love bites there. I was feeling pleasure just by him kissing me on the neck and I can't seem to get enough so I craned my neck to the side to give him better access.

I felt his teeth graze over the spot and I quickly realized that he wanted to mark me... But I wasn't ready.

I pushed him gently on his chest and glad that he gets the message that I wasn't ready to be marked just yet.

I opened my eyes only to see pitch black, lustful eyes looking back at mine. His wolf took over, that's why because I know that Jake would ask first before getting his canines out.

He closes his eyes again and I see the familiar blue orbs that I love to see. His lips are red and swollen... I think mine's in the same state as his.

"Sorry, my wolf - Ryder - took over. Glad that you pushed him or else he -we- would've marked you without your consent." I heard his husky and deep voice said which made me weak at the knees but I managed to control myself.

"Sorry but I'm still not be marked." I said while looking down.

"It's fine. I'll wait for forever just for you. Don't rush yourself." He said while grabbing my chin and looks at me directly in the eyes.

"Thanks." I said, smiling at him. I heard footsteps coming this way and it sounded like a girl.

I was right when I see her walking but walking kinda with a tomboy-ish style. She looked at me and smirked.

"Well, hello there sweatie." She said to me and completely ignoring Jake. Jake has his 'she's-your-prey-now-huh?' look.

"Um..hi?" I replied unsurely. "Oh, where are my manners. My name is Crystal but you can call me Crys (Chris) if you like." She said as she held out her hand.

I put my hand in hers and I was surprised that she took her head down to kiss my hand. That got a low growl from a certain person.

Jake removed her hand off mine and said "Alright, stop flirting. She's taken."

"Oh Alpha, I didn't see you there." She said pretending to look surprised.

"Go back to whatever you were doing Crystal." He said as his arms went around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Fine, but I'll see ya around buttercup." She said as she winked at me before she left.

"That is Crystal Martin. She's lesbian but is more into tomboy then girly." Jake explained.

"So Kent is gay but girly and Crystal is lesbian but tomboy. This is interesting..." I said and he nodded.

It is definitely interesting alright.

Sorry if this chapter is a bit short and if I took a long time to update.

This chapter is dedicated to:
All of you!
For reading, voting, commenting and maybe sharing this book.

I will do a shoutout next update and if you want to be featured, just vote.

I will give a shout out to the first person whom voted on new updates.

Remember! Reduce the salt in what you eat, or else your smile will not be sweet.

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