Chapter 17: Oh Look, There's My Fan

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Lucy's POV🐱

My throat is fine now and I can talk normally without it hurting. It has been a week after my throat have completely healed but Jake still insisted that I use the whiteboard to comunicate.

So like I do things, I just ignore that and talk normally. He is also debating whether or not to have the dinner next week or next month.

He doesn't want any help to decide or else it would make things more complicated. He is a bit over protective sometimes but is it weird that I actually like it.

It seems as if Jake knew who to search for to find who is pulling the strings of the hunters but he won't tell me even though it involves me in it because I'm their target and he's worried if they hurt me.

Oh and I named the fluffy orange cat, Yuko but sometimes I call it random names (the cat names that the readers game me to name this little guy and it's a boy) aka, Ginger, simba, garfield, etc.

But his real name is Yuko. (Shoutout to the person that commented this. Sorry I forgot your name)

"What about this drawing?" Hailey asked. I am currently in the twins' room. Hailey is showing me her fashion drawings while Bailey shows me her bug collection and let me tell you, it's taking all of me not to chase those bugs down.

Bailey is currently feeding them and I am not allowed to go inside the 'bug room' as she calls it,unless given permission to enter.

Hailey's drawings are incredible. She draws like she's a pro even tho she's 5 years old.

"I like this one the most." I said. It is a figure wearing a beautiful blue dress. diamonds and some sparkly stuff covered of the chest area and the skirt is a long skirt, sort of like a mermaid cut.

Over all it looks super pretty. "Hmm, since you like it that much I'm going to make it." Hailey said with determination.

"Make it? How? Do you need help?" I asked. She shook her head and I gave a confused look.

She opens the door to her walk-in-closet, grabbed my hand and dragged me with her to a section of the closet. "All the clothes in this section I made myself. Without any help." She said.

"" I said tripping over my words because those designs were amazing and cute yet elegant. Some of them are dresses but most of them are T-shirts, Skirts, Jeans/pants ,etc.

This is super impressive that she made it all by herself for a 5 year old girl. I can't even sew a hole back together let alone make a clothing.

Is she even a 5 year old kid?!

"How did you do all this without anyone's help? This looks hard." I asked feeling like she is tricking me.

"If you feel like I'm lying, don't worry 'cuz you can watch me make your dress. But you can't help me make it." She said and I can't do anything except nod.

"Hey guys, lets get some snacks from the kitchen before we begin the movie." Bailey said whom I don't know came from where and all of a sudden is here. I also forgot to mention that they have me for the rest of today and they even made a schedule.

"What movie are we watching?" I asked. "Princess movies duhh." Hailey answered. "No, we are going to watch horror movies!" Bailey retorted.

"How about we watch Lion King!" I suggested excitedly. I saw half of the movie before a certain alpha wolf interrupted me. Just thinking of what he did made my stomach filled with butterflies.

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