Chapter 15: Uh Oh

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Lucy's POV🐱

I am in the pack house's backyard, playing badminton with Amber, Alice and I on 1 team while our opponents are Jake, Mark and Kyle. Hailey is the person who sits on the tall chair thing (sorry, I dunno what it's called. A jury?) while Bailey is counting the scores.

It's a 3 vs 3 game and currently the score is 3 on my team and 6 on Jake's team. We are taking a 20 minutes break since we have been playing for more then 3 hours.

We are sitting around the round table while wiping our sweaty bodies with towels. I grabbed my water bottle and starts drinking from it greedily.

"There's a dinner coming up so you, Amber and Alice will go shopping tomorrow since the dinner is going to be on the day after tomorrow." Jake said and I instantly chocked on my water. I was coughing everywhere.

"Why? I will just wear jeans and a jacket or just a skirt with a t-shirt." I whined.

"You need to buy a dress since this is your first time meeting the whole pack." Jake stated.

I looked at Amber and Alice and it was a bad idea... They were starring at me with super mischievous looks on their faces. It looks like they were planning a grand murder for me and let me tell you, I don't love me some shopping.

"But can I just not go to the dinner?" I whined some more.

"You have to as the Luna." Jake stated.

"Fine... But I will give you the cold shoulder treatment." I said with a huff.

"For how long?" Jake asked.

"If I am shopping for a whole 6 hours then I'm going to give you that punishment for 6 hours... And 30 minutes." I stated.

"Whyyyy.... Can you not give me this cold shoulder punishment pleasee." Jake pleaded while using the famous puppy eyes and pouty lips.

"I can think about it only if you won't have to take me shopping tomorrow." I said making an agreement.

"Hmm... On second thought. Nah, I'll pass. You have to make a good impression so I will just have to suck it up until... When are you giving me the 'treatment'?" Jake said.

"The day after the pack dinner." I stated.

"Right. So it's a deal." Jake said.

"Let's get back to the games everyone!" Mark and Amber said excitedly.


It has been 2 hours and the score is currently:

A team aka Amber, Alice and I: 8 points

B team aka Jake, Mark and Kyle: 7 points

We were having fun and laughing while the ball dropped at my side. I was about to throw it but I sensed some other presence here.

I moved my cat ears to locate the sound since cats have very sharp hearing and I guess that the others knew what I was doing since they are getting into fight/defend mode.

"3 people..." I said while closing my eyes. I used my powers to locate where they are hiding and with using my magic, it formed a hint of purple aura around me.

I located them and they are behind the bush so I whipped my head towards that bush and start to hiss.

Someone growled loudly almost making the ground shake and I instantly knew who it is.

"Show yourselves hunters!" Jake shouted using his alpha voice but not too loud that he would startle the whole pack.

6 people from our pack came from behind the trees, cornering the hunters. I remembered that those people doesn't know that I'm a werecat so I quickly hid my ears and tail.

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