Chapter 19: Can I Ride That Motorcycle Please?

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Lucy's POV🐱

I am super EXCITED!!

Do you want to know why?


Well too bad 'cuz I'm going to tell you anyway. I'm too lazy to explain so I'll just show you my memory.


It was almost dinner time and Jake insisted that we eat alone rather then how we normally ate which is we ate with our friends.

We are currently eating when Jake said " Um...Lucy?".

"Yes?" I answered.

"Do you want to get out of the house tomorrow?" He asked with a tint of pink on his cheek. Even an Alpha blushes eh?

"As in a second date?" I answered his question with my own question.

"Yeah. Do you want to go tomorrow?" He asks again and his cheeks getting redder then before. I guess he never asked somebody out before.

Which is good. At least I won't feel any 'pang in my chest' like how they described it to be in romance novels.

Yes, I know what they are 'cuz I sneak into people's homes when they are not around. I enter if there's an open window.

Don't call me a creep. People will just expect it to be a stray cat looking for food....also the second reason that I sneaked inside.

"Sure. I'd love to go." I replied while smiling like a cheshire cat....pun intended.

Flashback end~

And that's why I am excited. Firstly, I rarely get out of this house or territory and secondly, that tomorrow is today and I have 5 hours left to decide on what to wear since we are going out at 6.00 p.m..

So I'll ask my trusty designers aka Amber and Alice since my fashion style sucks.


I regret asking them for help...

Why you ask? Well, Jake and I's room is now a pool....but with clothes instead of water.

I don't even know how they manage to fill up the whole floor with clothes even though our wardrobe is a walk-in closet, it still flooded the bedroom.

You might be wondering... 'how did she has that much clothes?'

Well my lovely kittens, Jake wants to spoil me by buying me stuff that he thought I need even tho I didn't ask for it like this neckless he brought me.

It is a sun and moon but the moon is inside the sun. He said that I represent the moon while he's the sun so it looks like he is always protecting me from the pitch black space.

Ever since he gave me this neckless, I never took it off. It's like my good luck charm

Right now, I'm perched on one of the empty shelves or like one of those carpeted shelves for cat that Jake installed on the walls for me. To say it's comfy is an understatement.

I'm in my cat form since I am used to being a cat, not human.

This one time I slept on one of the shelves in my cat form and Jake was searching for me since he couldn't find me. When he did, he muttered to himself about being stupid for installing the shelves so high.

Anywho, back to our problem, Alice and Amber are picking out hangers with clothes hanged on them while pairing it with something.

"Since it can't be shirt and jeans or skirt-" Alice starts.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2018 ⏰

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