Chapter 1: Cold Winter Days

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The snow falls slowly into the ground as you walked down the empty footpath, all you could feel was the small delicate pieces of snow falling onto your already cold nose. 

You inhale the cold winter air and sighed, another boring day. You reach into your pocket and bring out your phone and start scrolling through the messages. Clicking on the contact which belonged to one of your best friends. Maybe she can solve your boring day. You then click on her phone number and the phone starts to ring. You place the cold phone screen next to your equally cold ear and hear Ji Yeon-Hee pick up the phone.

"Hi Ji, what are you up to?" 

"Oh hi (y/n), nothing much,  you are back from your holiday? Wait I have to clean later but why don't you come over, I have nothing else to do." You hear her babble.

"Ya I am back and sure, I'll be over in a bit." You spoke before turning off your phone and continue to walk to Ji's house.

Ji has to clean? Hahahahaha how funny, you would have never guessed your lazy friend would get a job such as cleaning. But maybe her mum is forcing her to. Gosh, you go away on holiday for a few months and she is a maid. 

But before you head to Ji's house your drop by your house to pick up something, including an added coat to keep yourself warmer.

Once you reach the front door you ring the doorbell but before you do so Ji's opens the door. She was much taller since the last time you saw her which was a few months. It also seems she has dyed her hair from black to brown. You had to agree it suited her. But she still had her famous goofy snicker which you missed.

 "(Y/n), your back! I can't believe you are back. Sorry I have been to busy with work and well someone else." Ji walks you into the house and takes off the coat you are wearing. Revealing a jumper you had received from your other close friends which was plain black with the letter BTS in the back and had the number 95 on it. 

You knew he was in a band but didn't really pay attention to it. Hehehe sorry, T.

You paired it with a pair of maroon jeans and a pair of combat boots which you made sure to take off, since it's common courtesy. Ji then continues to lead you to her room and gestures for you to place your bags down.

"Sorry I didn't tell you about me coming back from my holiday, I just have been catching up with T." You bow apologetically. "Soooo who was that someone that kept you busy?" You smirk whilst look in her direction with a knowing glare. It must be a boyfriend.

"Ummm you know my childhood friend Chan?" She inquired slowly.

"Hmmm yes."  It took you a few seconds to recollect your memory but you did remember Ji mentioning him before.

"Well we reconnected and we are kinda," You stand there with one hand on my hip with a bright smile.

Called it!

"I never thought this day would come, our baby Rudolph has grown up." You walk over to her and ruffle her hair but she slaps you hand away.

"Ahhh okay, okay, be proud but now please stop." She whined causing you to smile. " Also (y/n), guess what else happened!"Ji bounces out of her seat in excitement.

"What?" You exclaimed whilst taking a seat next to her.

"Exo lives next door." Ji moves close to me and opens her eyes widely at me and squirms in excitement. "Eeeeeeeee."

"Ummm who?" You say in a monotone voice, Ji immediately stops whatever she was going and looks at you with complete and utter shock plastered onto her face.

"How could you not know who they are, they are T's friend! HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING UNDER A ROCK THESE PAST FEW YEARS?" Ji angrily waved her hands in front of your face but you swoop her hand away in confusion.

"YAH, I swear I have not been, I just don't, follow k-pop or what ever it's called."

"Omg, I need to educate you." Ji quickly runs out of her room and comes back with a laptop in hand with a very serious face. "Here look, this is one of the main vocalists of the group, exo, his name is Baekhyun. "You should know him, T is like super close to him." You turn to face to the laptop screen and Ji plays the video of this guy singing. After a few minutes of the video, you begin humming to the tune of the song.

"I have admit he has a nice voice." You walk over to your bags and grab a large case.

"Ya he is a great singer, Ummm wait...what is that?" She questioned whilst raising an eyebrow.

"My guitar." You reply in a blunt tone.

"You brought your guitar with you, are you serious?" Ji looked at me with disbelief.

"Ya, why?" You said before bring interrupted by Ji's phone ringing and she quickly runs around her room looking for her jacket.

"What's wrong?" You inquire before looking at her with a puzzled expression as you watched her race around the room.

"Duty calls, just stay here I will be in a little while." Ji then just zoomed out of the room and you are being left there, by yourself.



Edited: 30/8/2017 

Re-edited: 26/1/2018

I have read some comments asking who Chan is and I just wanted to clear up that yes that is Chanyeol. I hope you have read the prologue where I have warned you about it having little spoilers from exo next door because Chan is actually Yeonhee's nickname for Chanyeol in the series. I hope that clears up some confusion. 

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