Chapter 10: Fun And Pain

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You take a photo of yourself outside of Ji's house, with a bright smile and a peace sign closing one eye like you were winking.

Caption: "Don't worry Tae I am still socialising while you are away."

You walk up the pathway that leads to Ji's house but just as you were about to open the door, Ji opens it, dragging you inside excitedly. "(Y/N), long time no are you?"

"Ah, good thank you." She then rushes up to her room and runs back down with her coat and pulls you out of the house again, before you knew it, you were standing outside of Exo's house door. "Ji, what's the rush?" She knocked at the door eagerly before resuming her position next to you to stand and wait for someone to open the door. "Oh wait, look this and cheese." You snap a photo with your phone and send it to Tae.

"Ummm, hello to you too?" You turn around and see Chanyeol standing in the doorway, you look at the selfie Ji and you had just taken, you could just see Chanyeol in the top right corner of the screen.

"Oh sorry, it's just for Tae." You smile nervously after bowing but both Ji and Chanyeol burst out laughter.

"No worries, come in, it's cold outside." Chanyeol rushes the two of you inside and you both take off your coats and shoes.

"Ji why did you rush me over here?" You spoke in confusion as the three of you walk into the living room, taking a seat. You watch as Ji nods at Chanyeol as he disappears into the kitchen, Ji leans in towards you and whispers something into you ear.

"Are you and Baekhyun a thing?" She leans back and smirks at you.

"No and please don't give me that look."

"But you guys~." She paused before her eyes landed on your wrist. A large splot of purple painted your skin, a present left by So from the run in yesterday. You were wearing long sleeve but it must have ridden up. "(Y/N), what happened to your wrist?" You look at your hands and quickly hide them behind your back, away from Ji's view.

"Nothing, I just had a mishap in the kitchen this morning."

"NO, please don't lie to me." She spoke, shouting the 'no' but calming down after she sees my eyes widen in fear.

"I'm not lying." You stubbornly retorted.

"Answer me truthfully, please." She looked with a pleading expression.

"I'm not lying." You continued.

"It was So wasn't it?" She finally said.

"No, it wasn't." You lied straight to her face, Ji had a lovely life now and you felt like telling her what happened yesterday would be pulling her into your horrible version of what you called life.

"Yes." She corrected you with a stern tone. She continued to stare me down until you broke under pressure. You were no good at lying.

"FINE, SO WHAT IT WAS SO!" You yell angrily at Ji and she looks at you with a concerned face.

"I thought he stopped." She spoke again.

"WELL~ he hasn't." You said, your tone finally dying down.  You watched as Ji attempts to see your wrist again but Chanyeol walks back in with three glasses of water.

"Hey Ji?" You spoke weakly.

"Yeah?" You both take a sip out of the cup of water Chanyeol bought over and you thank him.

"Do you think I can escape to Neverland with my own Peter Pan?" You smile weakly at Ji and she smiles warmly at you.

She sighed and placed her cup down into the coffee table before moving to hold my hands delicately, afraid of hurting me. "Of course you will sweetie."

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