Chapter 12: A Nice Time

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It's been six months and BTS was back from their tour and you had never been so happy to see Tae again. The airport was chaotic but you couldn't wait to see him. There are so many fans there, you remember it like it was yesterday. 

You walk into the airport and see probably- if you were to guess- over one hundred people waiting for their arrival. "Ugh, might as well wait and see Tae back home." You sighed but as soon as you said so all the fans began to scream.

 Have they arrived? 

You missed him so much but you didn't want to get caught up in any rumours or anything so you turned around to start walking away but then you feel someone grab into your wrist.

"I thought you were a fan, you're so short." You hear an all too familiar voice tease. You quickly turn around and see Tae, instantly jump up and giving him a tight hug. He wastes no time in hugging you back. But when the two of you broke the embrace you were greeted by a smirk. "You missed me so much?" He lifts his eyebrow and you cross your arms in reply.

"....You left for like half a year not only that, you left alone with Ji and Chanyeol, I have been scared for my life. Have you seen how much PDA they do?" Tae just simply laughs before he gestures you to walk with him and the group to their van.

Baekhyun, Ji and Tae had been hanging out with me non-stop. You started to think that they might get sick of you but when you asked them they just denied it. They are doing it to keep you away from So, which is sweet. But over those six months, Baekhyun and you have gotten very close and your feelings for him further developed, which is not good but you try to ignore it and continue on with life. He doesn't need you to slow him down. But despite Tae, Ji and Baekhyun's good effort you have run into So from time to time, like when you make trips to the grocery store. One day when you were walking home, you found a note in your mailbox from him which you have yet to open since you didn't want your friends to see but now you have some time to you go. You open the letter and it reads.

You think you are so smart hanging around your friends but let me warn you, I am not stupid. You have to face me eventually and it is coming soon but just have to wait and see. 


You gulped before dropping the note into the floor in pure fear, the doorbell scaring the life out of you. You quickly walk to the front door and open it to reveal Tae. "Hi, Tae!" You put on a fake smile and he smiles back at you. "Why don't we go up into my room and watch a movie, I have been dying to watch (movie)."

"Sure, how have you's been awhile." Tae follows you upstairs but you quickly close the door and grab the note from So off the floor and place it in the bin before Tae can see,

"Ummm (y/n) is everything okay?" Tae walks closer but you just smile.

"Everything is fine, why are you ask?"

"No reason." He replied with a bit of uncertainty in his voice.

"Also, didn't we just see each other a week ago, that's not too long ago." You thought aloud.

"Hahah really, Feels like a long time." He chuckled after realising.


After the movie was finished you both just hung out for awhile, catching up with each other. "So hows singing?" Tae nudges you in the side in a teasing manner.

"Eh.....I have been time for singing." You simply replied.

"Well your free now, so lets hear you sing." Tae turns to you excitedly.

"What, now?" 

"Yep right now."

"Fine, I miss you
When I say that, I miss you more
I'm looking at your photo
But I still miss you
Time is so cruel
I hate us
Now it's hard to even see each other's faces....that's all your getting." You cross your arms and look away from Tae and he looks at you shock before a smirk dawns his face, a reaction you were expecting.

"That's our song." You turn your head back to face Tae and still his jaw dropped. You laugh at his silly expression before grabbing some leftover chocolate from the movie and stuffing it into his mouth.

"Are you trying to catch flied with your mouth open like that?" Tae quickly swallows and pouts at you.


"Your mouth was asking for it, staying open for that long." You say trying not to burst out in fits of laughter.

"And you still won't sing for me!" You snap your head back to where the voice came from and Baekhyun enters your room.

"What, how long were you standing there for?....No better did you get in?" Your mouth opens in disbelief, Tae takes this opportunity as revenge and quickly shoves chocolate into your mouth.

"MFPdSNC....Tae!" You glare at him but he just smirks.

"Your mouth was asking for it." He replies in a mocking tone.

"Why you!" You jump up from the bed and chase after him but he jumps out and runs over to Baekhyun, hiding behind you. "Baekhyun..may you please step aside?" I asked politely but he frowns.



"You have to sing for me first." You sigh.

"Are you serious?" You look at him and slump over at how childish he was being but yet again, it was one of the things you liked about him...but you can't. You send him a glare before you proceed. "I miss you,
When I say that, I miss you more
I'm looking at your photo
But I still miss you......there now can you move aside?" You look in between to see that Tae had disappeared. "You tricked me!" You shrieked before turning around to see Tae hiding behind your bed. It was your turn to smirk as you tried to silently tiptoe over to him.

Baekhyun didn't reply with a snarky comment or joke because he was dumbfounded. He found himself falling for you every day but he knew he couldn't.


edited: 15/7/2018

I felt so bad for what So did in the past and present to her and I will do anything to protect isn't because of V or Ji or anything but I feel really close to her through these past six months. I feel like it's my duty to protect her. I am getting overprotective over a character I made up.... oh dear.

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