Chapter 15: Me, Myself & I

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You guess it's back to you, yourself and I, like it should be. You make your way back home after bidding fair well to your friends. You are sure gonna miss them but "I have to try and power through this, besides its only four months." You know after saying that out loud you realised how long four months was. "Eh." You pull out your keys and unlock the door and walk inside. 

"What should I do now?" You lock the door and take a seat on your bed and sigh. "I guess I could practice singing."


Well, you have officially done anything and everything you could do in the house. You even cleaned the whole thing.

So now what?

You never realised how much you had spent with Tae, Baekhyun and Ji until now. "You know, I never thought about how much Baekhyun, Ji and T impacts my life,  you mean after they leave, you are like a lost puppy looking for a home, not knowing where to go next and yet it's only been a few days. You lay on your bed bored out of your mind when your phone buzzes. You look beside yourself, picking up your phone and checking the notification.

Sizzling HOT Bacon: I have some free time, u wanna skype? 

Sizzling HOT Bacon want to video chat

Accept          Decline

You instantly jump out of your bed and open up your laptop and accepted Baekhyun's call, finally something to do. You hear the typical ring of the skype call and then Baekhyun picks up. "Hey, how's my fav bacon doing?"

"Is that why you wanted to call that case I will hang up." Baekhyun teasingly smirks before sending you a threatening look.

"No no, I mean Baek." You frantically waved your hands in front of your face.

"Mmm better, you know I had only messaged you one minute ago and you skype called me straight away, did you miss me that much?" Baekhyun leans into the camera and I laugh.

" No, you were the one who called me mind you." You reminded in a matter-fact tone.

"(Y/n) you want me to end the skype call?" Baek asked in a flat tone.

"Nononoo, don't do that please, I am bored out of my mind here."
You make a pleading face and he just laughs.

"Cute." He mumbles.


"Hmmm...oh nothing."

Skype call ended: 3.45.01

The two of you talked for longer then you expected. You guess Baek had a little more then 'some free time'. Who knew not seeing each other for a few days would result in so much to talk about. Now it's was one in the evening and you need to get some rest, maybe you'll go out and look for a job tomorrow.



"Ahhhh shut up!" You look up with an annoyed grunt escaping your lip before pressing the alarm button and putting a stop to the repetitive sound.
"Ahh today is the day I stop being lazy and try to get a job." You slowly roll out of bed and grabbing long black leggings with leather accents, a plain white top with a suit like a jacket before slowly make your way into the bathroom. You yawn and look into the mirror, gasping at your massive bed head. You immediately begin the hunt for a brush fix it, brushing your teeth and changing to your clothes in the process. You then drag your feet into the kitchen and grab yourself a bowl and pour a bowl of cereal after grabbing the milk.


You look at your phone with an annoyed expression and pick it up.

"Gosh someone woke up on the wrong side of bed today." YOu hear Tae say through the phone.

"Oh, I am so sorry Tae, I am just tied." You quickly apologised.

"It's okay, what have you got planned today?" 

"I'm gonna look a for a job, I can't stay jobless forever."

"But I thought you were going to audition for a company?"

"Nah, the spotlight isn't my thing and you know that Tae." You take a spoon of cereal and place the phone on the table, making sure to put Tae on speaker in the process.

"But you're talented and it would be a pity to waste it."

"No Tae." You huff in frustration but he continues to nag you.



"Come on (y/n)."


"Just one try."




"Please please please please please please!!!"

"Okay okay!"

"Yay." You roll my eyes in frustration, even though you said yes, it didn't mean you would do it.

"Okay, big hit or SM?"

"Big hit, are you crazy (y/n), I am the one who asked you to audition." Tae nearly shouted you could practically hear him from all the way in Korea.

"Mmmmmmmm....I'm gonna audition for SM just to piss you off." You smirk into the phone.

"You better not be smirking, if you don't audition for big hit I am going to unfriend you." He threatened.

"Hahaha Tae...big hit it is."

"Good luck!!"

"Don't get your hopes up......"

"I believe in you!"

Great, your day is now need to email big hit about auditioning and start practising. But that was; if they replied.



Edited: 15/7/2018

this chapter was pretty uneventful.....just we are building up to the climax and then...the end. See you loves in the nect chapter.

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