Chapter 7: Challenge Complete

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As we exit the van I see the door and gates holding the fans back, is this an important party or something? As I continue walking as Ji and Chanyeol are being pointed at, have they told the fans?

"Who is that girl?"

"Is she just a random, get her out?" I freeze in the middle of the road, no not here, not now, every where I go, I can't escape.

"Come on (f/n)." Baekhyun walks up to me stands behind me putting both of his hands on my shoulders, guiding me into the party but whilst we enter the building I hear more.

"Is she Baekhyun's girlfriend?"

"What, she doesn't deserve him."

"She isn't even pretty, why is she even here?" I still remain frozen and unable to move....why why, my breathing begins to pick up its paste as I duck my head down and for some reason when I look up, everyone resembled So, what's going on? Is this a nightmare? I grab my head as the as my head begins to spin and a tear rolls down my face. Why am I trapped in my past?

"So...." I murmur

"(f/n)....(f/n)........(F/N)!!" I get shaken back to reality and I look up and see Tae was shaking me with a concerned expression displayed on Baekhyun, Ji, Chanyeol, Tae and Suga's faces.

"Why?" I yelped.

"(f/n), are you okay, what happened?" Tae asked.

"Can I go home?" I asked in a weak tone. As much as I wanted to have fun tonight, I can't. It's too much for me. I rub my head and see Tae softly nod in reply to my answer. "See you guys tomorrow, nice meeting you Suga and thank you guys for inviting me to this party but I am sorry I can't stay" I flash a weak smile and begin to exit the building.

"What, will you be okay on your own?" Ji runs up to concerned.

"I will be fine, parties where never my scene anyway." I flash another weak smile and nod. Ji nods, sending an understanding smile. I am glad she understands, I begin my journey back home but one problem, how am I going to get past the fans? I stand at the door and reach out for the handle but freeze, devising a plan, how should i do this? Oooo maybe there is a back door. But before I can make any motion someone grabs my hands and pulls me to the back door of the building.

"Huh, who-" I pull my hand out of the persons grasp and I turn around and see Baekhyun.

"You seriously need to get you memory checked out, you forgot me again?" My eyes widen. "Did you also forget about my challenge?"

"HUh what are talking about?" I raise one of my eyebrows and continue to look at him in a puzzles expression.

"You challenged or I promised you that I would stay with you for the whole night oh and just to make sure my name is B-" I tap his nose with my finger, catching him off guard.

"Baekhyun, I didn't forget." I cross my hands in front of my chest and look away with an angered expression.

"Hahaha I was just joking, now where are we off to my lady?" Baekhyun links arms with me and I look at him with another puzzled expression.

"Umm I appreciate your effort but I think I am just gonna go home and sin--- I mean watch a movie to wind down." I unlink ( a/n- is that a it is) our arms and open the backdoor and exit the building.

"Hey, a promise is a promise, now off to your house." My exclaimed before tuning left. I point to the right and I laugh.

"Wrong way." I grab his hand and point it to the right

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