Chapter 6: Taking Your Mind Off Things

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"Tae I think I am just gonna go home, I don't feel very well." You smiled weakly and simply he nods, understanding your situation fairly quickly. "Could you let Ji know I went home?"

With the second sentence leaving your mouth, the thought of you leaving now processing in his mind as he quickly turned around to face you with concern. "Do you want me to come with you?"

"No, it's okay. I'll be fine." You simply replied.

"Are you sure?"


"Just make sure to stay alert, okay?" He walked over, enveloping you in a protective huge. You smile warmly and hugged back, it was sweet, how much he cared for you.

"Of course." You responded after the both of you broke the embrace. You made your way over to the front door and proceed to get put on your coat and shoes.

"Hey, before you leave, what were you and Baekhyun talking about?" He looks at you inquisitively.

"Ohh, we were just talking about what happened in the past." Your tone turns soft and you averted your gaze from Tae.

"Ah, well I am glad he was there to help you." He smiled before you opened the front door, waving him goodbye. You made your way back home and as soon as you unlocked the front door you take off your shoes and collapse into your soft bed. Winding slightly due to the pain in your lower half.

You sit up slowly and pull up your shirt up to reveal the bruises caused by So. You then slowly proceeded to get up from your bed and head to the bathroom, taking out badges and some ointment to apply onto your bruises. It took longer then you expected due to the time you spent was mostly wincing in pain and regretting your choice to apply ointment in the first place, but then again, it would only get worse if you did. It was treated by Ji a few hours ago but the bandages defiantly needed changing. After treating the, you brushed you teeth, changed into your pyjamas and headed to bed. You needed a well deserved good nights rest.



"Hmmmmm." You murmured before rolling over in out of bed lazily so that your phone was in reach. Forgetting the bruises your mouth fell opened in pain as you quickly readjusted into more comfortable position.

"What.." You say in an annoyed and groggy tone.

"Geeze, someone woke up on the wrong side of bed." Tae chuckled.

"Oh sorry, good morning Tae." You sighed, quickly apologising.

"Good morning to you too sleepy head."

"What's up?" You inquired more a bit more awake and slightly recovered your from sleepy state just a few moments ago.

"Ji wanted to speak with you, I'll hand you too her."

"OKay."You am assumed Tae passed the phone to Ji because the volume of the phone suddenly became louder.

"Hello Ji."

"Hey (y/n) , I feel so bad again for yesterday, Tae, the exo boys and I are going out tonight, do you wanna join us? I think you deserve a bit of fun after what happened yesterday. Is your injuries okay?" You can see Ji is trying so hard to make sure you were having a good time back in Korea. You knew she didn't want you to be leaving anytime soon but considering the incident yesterday, it did seem like a good idea. Running away from your problems.

"Where you going?" You replied after a few seconds of silence.

"A party."

"You know parties aren't really my scene." You mumbled into the phone.

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