Chapter 14: Don't Go

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Feel free to play the song whilst you are reading :)


You sit on your bed nervously whilst occasionally looking at the note So sent to you a few days ago for the hundredth time but your intense gaze was interrupted by the doorbell. You placed the note in bedside draw and walk to the door opening it to reveal Tae.
"Oh hey, Tae."

"Oh hey, Tae?"He mocked. "It sounds like you don't want to see me (y/n)." He pouts and you chuckled before ruffling his hair.

"Hi, Tae....better?" You exclaimed.

"HI (Y/N)!" The two of you walk in but it soon turned into a run up to your bedroom. You slowly walk in and look at him with an unamused expression.


"Why are you here? It's not like I am unhappy to see you and all, it's just unexpected." You walk over and take a seat next to him.

"I have something to tell you, about BTS and EXO." You look at him with a confused expression.

"What is it?" YOu inquired.

"Well, we're both going on tour soon," Tae told me in a blunty and straight up.

"Again?" You asked but he just simply nods. "I guess I have Ji to keep me company ." You flash him a  reassuring smile but his face remains frowned.

"Ji is going with Chanyeol."

"It's okay, I have other friends too." You flash him a reassuring smile this time it was fake, of course he could see past your act. You weren't good at lying, that also plied to acting.

"No, you don't."

"I said will be fine, don't worry. You saying I don't have anything friends? I am offended Tae" You tried reassuring him again but lightening the mood and cracking the joke but it didn't seem to work.  You didn't, in fact, have any other friends but it's their job as idols and you could not get in the way. He sighs.

"Are you going to be okay on your own for a while?"

"Yeah, of course, I can't rely on you guys forever." You spoke flashing a brave smile. Tae smiles softly and envelopes in me a hug.

"Make sure to call us if you need anything."

"Of course." You replied after the two of you broke the embrace.

"You better see us off at the airport next week...okay?"

"If I can't get through the fans that is." You mumble.

"What was that?"

"Ah, nothing." You quickly replied. 

"I am making sure to book you in with some comeback sessions with my hyungs to make sure you can actually talk back and stand up for yourself." Tae chuckled before ruffling your hair and messing it up.

You continue hanging out for the rest of the day but a negative thought kept creeping into your mind. What if you run into So whilst they are away? You know you have to learn to deal with these things by yourself. You will miss them all so much, you won't have the reassurance you would have usually when all your friends are here. You will be alone and if you do run into So you have to learn how to deal with the situation yourself. 


Taehyung knew you said you would be fine by yourself but he can't help think of that Baekhyun told him.

"Hey V?" Taehyung turn around to see Baekhyun run up after him, his brown hair flying in the air.

"Oh, hi Baekhyun." He says say whilst turning around.

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