Chapter 3: Two Sided

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"Did you by any chance here us before?"

"Of course!" He smiled kindly. "You made singing it sounds easy~ OhhhI just realised that I never introduced myself. As you may know, my name is Baekhyun, the main vocalist of a k-pop group called Exo." He walks over towards me and holds out his hand for me to shake. I look up at with wryly eyes before slowly placing mine in his and shaking it. "You should audition for SM." He turns around and smiles at me. 

"My name is (y/n). Thank you but it's just a hobby." I blush slightly at his statement before a shy smile made its way onto my face.

"NoooOoooOoo! Don't go to SM, come to Big hit!" I turn around to my phone screen, meeting with Tae making puppy dogs eyes.

"Awwww Tae but I didn't say I was going to audition so you are okay." I reassured before smirking. "Or maybe I will audition for SM just to annoy you." I watch as Tae frowns causing me to chuckle.

"(YYYYY/NNNnnNN)!" Tae pouts.

"I'm kidding." 

"You better be." Tae glared.

"(Y/n), do you know where the mop is?" Baekhyun asked as his gaze panned the compacted room. I quickly stand up and look around the room.

"Umm I'm not to sure, I think she keeps it in the closet?" I thought aloud before walking over to open the closet. I opened the door and scanned the wardrobe before spotting a long blue pole in the corner. "Here it is." I take it out of the wardrobe and walk over to hand it to Baehyun. "Here you go."

"Thank you." I took a seat back down onto the floor and I watched as Tae tilted his head slightly towards Baekhyun, gesturing me to converse. He knows I'm not much of a social person and find it uncomfortable to talk to new people, hence only having Tae and Ji as my friends. I never really trusted myself to open up to others. Maybe that was holding me back Baekhyun seemed like a nice guy, the aura he was giving off was very friendly.

"So how did you are Tae meet." I slowly voiced before turning to face Baekhyun.

"We met at an award show, he hit it off pretty well didn't we V?" Baekhyun chirped.

"Yeah, (y/n) you know our fans say we look alike. What do you think?" Tae said before posing in the phone screen.

"Really?" I replied with confusion, I picked up my phone and placed it next to Baekhyun. Baekhyun quickly pulled the same facial expression as Tae and I looked at the both closely. "I looked closely at the phone screen, nose nearly touching the screen before turning to face Baekhyun only to find our face barely inches apart. I could feel myself growing red with embarrassment, I instantly retracted from his face and couch awkwardly. "I kinda see it." I replied shyly.

Baekhyun opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the ring of his phone.



"BAEKHYUN, where are you? I need the mop?" I hear Ji scream through the phone.

"Ahh oh I'm sorry, I'm coming, I'm coming." Baekhyun quickly apologised before abruptly standing up. "I have to go, I hope I see you soon." Baekhyun waved goodbye.

"I need to get going to, let Ji know I went home?

"Sure." Baekhyun replied before sprinting out the room. I bid farewell to Ji's mother before leaving and told Tae that I would call him back when I get home. 

Once I stepped into the cold winter atmosphere a shiver went down my spine. I huff in fustration.

Why does Korea have to be so cold in winter?

I shoved my hands into my coat pocket and made my way back home. 

I walked down the road peacefully, recognising the path from the past. This was the way I walked every day to high school. One of the most terrible times of my life. I always naturally terrible at making friends but high school was around about the worst. I walked past the tall gates and get a glimpse into the school grounds.

The only happy memory I had was when I found out Tae and Ji would be attending the same high school as me.

"OMGOSH I CAN'T BELIEVE WE ARE IN THE SAME CLASS!" Ji screamed with excitement.

"I know right being the anti-social person I am." I chuckled nervously as we walked down the school corridor.

"Ohhhh no." Tae suddenly gasped.

"WHAT! What's wrong?" Ji and I quickly stop in our tracks and turn around to face the awestruck boy.

"I forgot sign-ups for the band is today, Ji didn't you say you wanted to sign-up too?" Tae quickly spat out in a panicked tone.

"Ohh yeah, (y/n) we will meet you in class. We just need to quickly run over to the sign-up boards." Ji said before I nodded in reply.

"Okay see you." I waved before seeing your only two friends run off down the corridor.

But that was a mistake, leaving me alone.

Soon the students at my school found out about me being anti-social and you know teenagers. They will find anything different about you, even if it's the smallest thing and make fun of you.

I was being bullied for being anti-social. I played video games, had good grades, sung. To them, I was anything but cool and that added to the mountain of things people could bully me about.

 Because of that it made my anti-socialness worse and made it difficult for me to open up to people. To make things worse, I had a crush in year eleven and Tae encouraged me to express my feelings towards him and as always it didn't end well. He turned me down in the worst way possible, announcing my love for him to the whole entire school and increased the bullying and all whilst giving me the name the boy lover. Unfortunately, that name stuck with me until graduation, only Tae and Ji knows about this and I hope I never run into anyone from my school ever again, to save embarrassment and all the painful memories to flood bacl..

Since I had trouble creating bonds with other people it resulted in me being very lonely after graduating high school, everyone had their dreams and was pursuing them but then there was just me. I slowly lost confidence in myself. I locked myself in my house for weeks, finally, my parents had enough and sent me to America. Hoping that maybe I would coup better in a different environment. But nothing changed.

I begin to hum and sing to myself as I walked past the school, trying to distract me from all the painful memories.

"Hello, you came to me
Giving me your shy scent, In my hazy dream
You were shining, dazzling, With a fluttering heart, without knowing
I went to you, step by step
And I stayed by your side, My heart melts at your smile
When our eyes meet
My heart pounds,Oh remember my smile in your heart
Think about it several times a day                                                                                                                      Oh words I want to say you to                                                                                                                             You're beautiful."

"I wish someone thought that about me."



Edited: 8/9/2017 or 9/8/2017

Re-edited: 31/1/2018

Why do all the fan-fictions i write sound depressing?....don't worry guys...its gonna get better author

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